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Noord Wortland

Noord WortlandColony of Nieuw Walschor
Local Languages Dutch
Demonyn Wortlander
Government colonial administration
Leader P_P_A
Establishment 31st January 2013
Population 1
Abbreviation WL

Noord Wortland is a colony of Nieuw Walschor, occuyping the north of the Sabishi archipelago (referred to by the Walschorers as “Wortland”). It is bordered to the south by the independent settlement of Kijima.


The colony was established when Mystia Lorelei showed P_P_A her settlement centred on Kijima, Sabishi's largest island. When she pointed out that the other islands were unoccupied, Venomthrope got butthurt and implied that they were in the sphere of influence of New Finngolia, even though they are kilometres apart.
P_P_A, thus encouraged, immediately claimed them for Nieuw Walschor and built a settlement of a few houses and a port on the largest of the islands.

Ebbenschipp is proving a popular holiday destination for the citizens of Nieuw Walschor who seek warmer climates.

The biggest isle of the chain is Ebbenschipp, which is the only one permanently settled. The others are yet nameless.

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  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:01
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