Appeal to Remove Kebab
The Empire of Kurwa
Legality of PvP
Approved 21-12-13

There are too many kebabs on the server and the rules don't address this plague. Because we can't kill kebab without being banned, we can't remove kebab. Therefore, we should be allowed to PvP any kebabs without consequence.

Statement of the Problem

There are kebabs everywhere. They are stinky and they are dirty. They talk in moonspeak. They griefed my towers.

How the Current Rules Address it

The rules don't address this problem at all.

How the Current Rules Fail

Because it isn't addressed, the rules make it a bannable offense to remove kebab, even if kebab is being stinky right next to you.

Statement of the Solution

If there were an exception for kebabs in pvp, then we could remove kebab without being banned and they would have to go tnt themselves somewhere else.

Final Solution

PvP, with the exception of kebab removal, shall be a bannable offense.

✔ Votes ✘
Name Vote Comments
P_P_A I am a kebab.
Rosenmann The time has come.
v1adimirr Best idea ever 10/10 would bang.
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  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
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