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Royaume de Kriegstein

Holy Realms of Kriegstein
National Anthem:
Motto Liberté, Unité, Paix
Capital Nouvelle Reims
Official Languages French, Russian, English, Finnish
Demonyn Kriegsteiner/Kriegsteinian/Kriegsteinite
Government Monarchy
Monarch King Sidmarcus
Secrétaire général des affaires royales PPA
Official Religion Christianity
Re-Establishment 06/21/2015
Population 9
Abbreviation RDK
Icon: Citizens: Nobles:

The fall of the Second Kingdom of Kriegstein was a result of King Sid's rebellion against the Commonwealth. Since the Commonwealth now controlled Kriegstein, and the Caerulia Federation disintegrated, King Sid was left without a Nation. He retreated to his Mansion in Siverny until one day he could regain power again. A former lord of Breshik and Enderian, Tomoko, sympathized with Kriegstein's plight but could do nothing to help. Things changed with the COM-Ender war, Congressman Tomoko pleaded with President Hinoarashi to free Kriegstein. Congressman Tomoko had not forgotten the generosity that king Sid showed him after his failed rebllion against the tyrannical rule of King Shako. The end of the COM-Ender war led to the acquisition of Kriegstein from the COM. Kriegstein was freed from Breshikan rule. With the Rise of the new Republic of Battkhortostan, Congressman Tomoko asked the Enderian Congress to let Kriegstein join as a member state. The Congress approved and King sid Returned from exile to rule over kreigstein once more. The third Kingdom of Kriegstein was proclaimed.

On 08/15/2015 General Secretary Tomoko Kuroki resigned his post, and King Sidmund Marcus assigned PPA to be the new General Secretary. With the resignation of Tomoko Kuroki, the once merged state of Kreigstein and Aresea dissolved. On 08/19/2015 the duchy of Orcaella became an Independent apolitical settlement.

wolfsschanze join Kriegstein on 25, july, 2015, apparently they did not even know that Shako had annexed their land. General Secretary invited them to join kriegstein and they accepted. This is not a breach of treaty, since the settlement joined voluntarily.

Kriegstein is an absolute monarchy. The King holds all power, though because of his busy life he let's the Secretaire-General and the Royal Council deal with domestic and foreign affairs.

Positions du Conseil royal

Position Heads

Citizens and their Main Settlements:



  • Duke Septicaemia - Duchy of Eureka
  • Duke Nekronys, Eggis - Duchy of Dobrograd
  • Duke MASSOLIT - Duchy of Solntze-grad

(Note: MASSOLIT has duel citizenship, until he clears up which settlement he prefers.)


  • PPA

Colonial Possessions:

  • nations/third_kingdom_of_kriegstein.1440015315.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:00
  • (external edit)