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Very Catholic Kingdom of Kriegstein

Kingdom Of Kriegstein
National Anthem:
Motto Dieu Sauve le Roy
Capital Nouvelle Kriegstein
Official Languages English
Demonyn Kriegsteiner
Government Absolute Monarchy of Divine Right
(The Monarch)
Ministers Ghost_Boner
Establishment 8/12/2013
Population 14
Abbreviation SKKS or KS
Icon: Citizens: Nobles:


Successor of the first Kingdom of Kriegstein from Oceania, the Second Very Catholic Kingdom of Kriegstein was founded the day of grace of 08/12/2013 after the foundation of his first and former capital city: Nouvelle Turenne. Making it the second nation created on AlphaRealms after Bernd Town and thus being the oldest Monarchy of Europe the new server (so French). However Nouvelle Turenne was never developped and quickly left. Then the Kriegsteinians like the gyspies descendants they are settled on a mountanious land given by the dwarven King Shakomatic around the 25/12/2013 to develop Nouvelle Kriegstein. Originally the duchy of Sommerset, the land was renammed and developped on another site, the few ruins of the old Sommerset are still visitable.

The Kingdom

Kriegstein is currently developping along with his neighboors, building a Capital city characterized by ecclectism in its buildings. However the official code (which is basically building in Renaissance,Baroque,Rocaille or Neo-Classic fashion) is respected for each government affiliated building, creating a sort of main theme for the town. If you want to join us we need you!

The Capital city

The capital city, in development is Nouvelle Kriegstein.

Lands and territories

If Nouvelle Kriegstein and the mountain biome where it developped are the heart of the Kingdom, Kriegstein own two taiga biomes in the west. Moreover it owns the old Nouvelle Turenne (named nowadays Richeplace) and the Province of Eureka.

The Kingdom of Kriegstein is an imperialist nation, and its relationships are based on cultural domination and Serverwide Economical Supremacy.
It had an effective cooperation treaty with the upcoming Federal Empire of Altschwabenland and is strongly linked with the Dwarven Nations, particularly Karak Wynterlyn and Karak Khaldun. However the last events and the war against the Republic of Ender revoked the treaty with Altschwabenland.

Being one of the most prominent Catholic nations of the servers, it hold strong animosity towards hereditary heretics and terrorists. Lastest events showed how the so called “south” is homing Islamic terrorists and Communist-Chickenist terrorists. Both these movements are strongly condemned by the monarchy.

The nation has a well developped economy, relying on its natural emerald ressource as a currency.

The Kingdom culture is mainly Yuropean, taking his roots in French, British, German and Italian modern times (roughly 15th Century to 18th Century). In terms of architecture, it mainly applies for official buildings, and sometimes for natives buildings, however it's usually not so strict about inhabitants buildings.

King of Kriegstein / Roy de Kriegstein

  • Sidmarcus01 (First and Third King of Kriegstein, King of Sommerset, Souverain Grand Maître of the Order of the Holy Spirit)


  • Ghost_Boner(Premier ministre du Roy, Duke of New Badfacia, officier commandeur of the Order of the Holy Spirit)
  • Septicaemia (Ministre d'Etat à la Guerre, Chancellor of Eureka Republic, Arch-Duke of Eureka)
  • Fogel (Count of Gorask; Ministre d'Etat à la Maison du Roy; Maréchal de Kriegstein; Officier Commandeur of the Order of the Holy Spirit)
  • Totallycautious (Count of Kriegstein, Ministre d'Etat aux Affaires Etrangères; Commandeur of the Order of the Holy Spirit)
  • (empty post atm) Contrôleur Général des finances


  • Termocaos (Slave of the system)
  • Ivanidiot (Dragon condom pro designer)
  • Heaz3n (Loveable frenchie)
  • Paper (Cozy road builder)
  • Urist_Mcstrayed
  • Starlightchild
  • Peachi_pii
  • Kuston

See Also Nouvelle Kriegstein

  • nations/second_kingdom_of_kriegstein.1391944613.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:00
  • (external edit)