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Second Raid of Wissendorf

Second Khovdesian Raid on WissendorfPart of the Mongol Wars

KNF stormtrooper holding ground in Occupied Wissendorf
Dates 6-10-2012
Location Wissendorf, Breshikan Empire
Off the west coast of New Rhodes-Mombasa
Lands of Officer Striker
Result Kovanje victory, Humiliation of Breshik
K.Freistaat Kovanje Vrystaat Satellite of the Katten Khanate National Standard Breshik
Breshikan Wissendorf Wissendorf Breshikan Colony
ZANLA ZANLA Breshikan Paramilitary Terrorist Group
Leaders and Commanders
K.Freistaat Kovio National Standard Shakomatic
2 2
1 2

After the First raid of Wissendorf, The Royal Breshikan Army prepared a counter attack on the Khovdesian National Front; however, after receiving tampered intelligence reported, Breshik's ability to attack was halted. The Breshikans ended up having economical and human loses plus another humiliating defeat.

Ivanidiot passed an intelligence report to Shakomatic about the perpretators of the previous Raid on Wissendorf just a day before. Shakomatic, outraged, seeked revenge on the heroic KNF stormtroopers.

Raid First Stage

Shakomatic went to Officer No. 2117 Striker's private lands while he was peacefully building and killed him. Officer No. 2117 started complaining about the uncalled attack and demanded reparations from Breshik; however, Kaiser Shakomatic refused after accussing Officer No. 2117 of being a Mongol soldier, giving Shako the right to kill him because of the war status between Breshik and the Katten Khanate.

Officer No. 2117 Striker stated he was a mercenary. Shakomatic then stated than even if he was not a Mongol, the Officer had attacked Breshik the day before on the First Raid of Wissendorf, thus acquiring the status of “Enemey of the Breshikan Empire”. Officer No. 2117 denied being part of the raid. Shakomatic followed to ask his intelligence commander, the ZANLA leader Ivan “The Idiot” Mugabe“, about the Officer No. 2117 whereabouts during the raid. “The Idiot” Mugabe want back to look at the intelligence reports; however, these had just been tampered by KNF counter intelligence. The tampered intelligence report stated that Officer No. 2117 was not part of the Wissendorf raid the day before. “The Idiot” Mugabe started hesitating about what he had seen the day before and what the intelligence report said. He ended up saying that Officer No. 2117 was not part of the raid, when in fact he was. Kaiser Shakomatic proceeded to return Officer No. 2117's loot and payed an iron block as a compensation.

Raid Second Stage

After the payment, KNF stormtroopers started mobilizations to strike against ZANLA operatives in Wissendorf one more time. Yellow Leader of the KNF, Kovio the Koer, who had remianed stationed in Wissendorf attacked ZANLA commander Ivan “The Idiot” Mugabe.

Shakomatic threatened “The Koer”'s life and claimed he was after him; nevertheless, Shakomatic never sent an attack and eventually logged out. ZANLA commander “The Idiot” Mugabe went on to complain about his lost gear. After constant crying, he eventually logged out too thus putting the the Raid to an end with another Khovdesian victory.

ZANLA leader Ivan “The Idiot” Mugabe spent a considerable amount of time demanding his loot to be returned to him, stating the rules of engagement that Breshik had previously announced would never comply to. As of October 6, Wissendorf is officially under KNF/Kovanje Vrystaat occupation.


TACO_TOWN and tetete where uncovered as ZANLA collaborateurs.
New investigations have taken place to find supposedly hidden Weapons of Mass Destruction in Wissendorf under control of the ZANLA High Command.

Following Battle

Breshik had the economic loss of 64'000 Breshikan Marks estimated to be 1 Iron Block.

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  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:00
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