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The Battle of al-IskandariyaPart of the Battkhort Civil War
Mongols and Communists storming the broken wall
Dates 22-01-13
Location al-Iskandariya
Result Status Quo Antebellum
FlagWest Battkhortia
United Territories of Tangaloa
FlagKingdom of Battkhortostan
Katten Khanate
Leaders and Commanders
FlagK_Chris FlagSikandar
2 2
~15 ~30

Growing tired of seeing the glorious wall from their shanty shacks, the Communist Imperialists of the Kingdom of Battkhortostan attacked the free and innocent Western Battkhortia.

After K_Chris declared independence and erected the great wall, Sikandar joined forces with the long-dormant Mongol Horde and began sending Yevs to invade his humble manor. He defended his lands and the Communists looked in envy at his prosperity, swearing to get revenge.

Greenkitten began firing volleys of arrows over the wall and K_Chris asked him kindly to stop. In return, Greenkitten climbed the wall and stabbed K_Chris in cold blood.

The Battle

K_Chris and Greenkitten duelled for hours. As the sun set, Tangaloa of the Order of the Staff came and declared that the United States of Western Battkhortia is a free and sovereign nation and should remain a buffer state for all eternity. The Mongol nerds couldn't handle this and invaded en masse.

Tangaloa used his god-like powers to subdue the invading forces while K_Chris enjoyed a cup of tea in his manor, when suddenly he heard a huge explosion. The Mongols, who have no respect for sand-based architecture, set a line of TNT against the wall and detonated it, destroying only the Eastern Side. K_Chris donned his blade “Free Evergreen” and began making short work of the invaders.

The damages from the TNT.

Tanga of Loa used the power of the staff to resurrect the great wall and sent upon the Mongols a wave of undead creatures. Skeletal archers began rising from the moat and fired upon the mongols. Creepers chased them into their homes and set them ablaze. In the end the Mongols were simply overwhelmed and a white-peace was declared.

The Undead forces wreaking havoc on the Eastern side


All the griefing was fixed and no one was banned in what will remain the only Mongol battle in which no participants were harassed by admins afterwards.


“I am mad” – t. greenkitten

Following Battle(s)

We'll see.

Everything was rolled back.

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  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:00
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