I donot care about your petty squabbles of pride, I will keep doing what I want with what is mine. I own the my projects through virtue of original ownership. I will continue to exercise right to my own things the way I wish to exercise it. To note;I am still not coming back to the server, was just dropping in, dont bother starting a fuss over this because I will not really bother responding I will just get the pages locked if need be. It was nice seeing you all the other day. -shako
Danikian Independence
Shakomatic: If you wish for independence, there are correct routes to go about it by asking. As was the case with Neo Wissendorf, it was granted independence. The Republic of Ender does not rule very strongly on member states and would prefer to not use coercion against citizens. While states are granted autonomy to deal with their own matters, this is a breach. If you wish to become independent of Enderian protection, simply ask for it and Congress may vote whether to relinquish Danik from occupation. We do not advocate tyranny, so you'd likely receive independence. In Ender, we have rule of law and do not appreciate illegal attempts to seize control. We can overlook the breach in a treaty as a sign of good will and this can be settled diplomatically, however, continued violations won't be pardoned.
— hino 2013/07/19 03:01
Not like it matters. Shakomatic has no power at all in Breshik. It was handed to K_Chris who gave the Khaganate and the RCF territorial concessions. Shakomatic at most can be on of thos 14/88th Scottish Americans advocating for Scottish Independence. — caBastard 2013/07/19 05:05
Occupied Danik
Shakomatic handed Breshik and its holdings to anao007 and Bracave. After the war, Bracave relinquished control of the holdings to the Republic of Ender and joined our union. While the Republic recognizes leaders of settlements to remain the same, the former national holdings of Breshik are under our control. Propping up ludicrous claims to the continent of Danik is ill-advised. The Enderian military is prepared to deal with those who interfere with the transition process as any other invader or raiding party.
— hino 2013/05/30 17:38
Shakomatic, after the Brazilians proved themselves to be absolutely useless, spoke from beyond the grave, stating that the throne would be up for grabs, as stated here. He then gave himself rule over his land once again. Being dead, he obviously cannot own the land, and therefore it would be in the hands of the Breshikan line, of which I am the final member. ~Darynu
The Brazilians showed more courage and valor in battle than he ever has. Not once did their leader retreat to leave his men to fend for their selves. As far as I can judge, the Bracavians have nobler blood. Shako left and gave away his nation to them, this is not settlement. Nations participate in politics. The Danik continent is under our custody now. Shakomatic cannot grant himself Enderian clay. If Shako or yourself are interested in trying then come and take it.
— hino 2013/05/30 21:10
Do you even have evidence that Shako transfered it to the Brazilians? If not, you have no claim and this whole thing is illegal. — caBastard 2013/05/31 00:04
The IRC logs of May 18th where Shako quit for 2 weeks. Reading doesn't seem to be your strong point, but Dary just conceded that point. — hino 2013/05/31 00:29
Party time
THIS IS A FORMAL DECLARATION OF WAR The Katten Khanate declares war on Breshik. Our casus belli are shitting up khanate wiki articles with horrid English, getting me banned for killing your citizens, to clear the ambiguous state of war we are currently in, recruiting from 4chan, dodging war declarations constantly and talk shit get hit. Failure to accept our invitation to war will incur a fee of 64 diamonds and be branded as a coward on every instance of you name in the wiki. You have 5 days.
— Khan Greenkitten 17th May 2013
this is a joke right? No shako this isn't a joke. Its a formal war declaration. — greenkitten 2013/05/18 14:20
You guys are a joke. -shako
Also this is approved by PPA and a further casus belli (this to be directed at NOTO) are the (failed) Condeuran attempts to bomb “badx” —The demand of 64 diamonds seems too high, the (crappy) rules stipulate a smaller tribute. Overall I deem the declaration valid though. t. P.P.A.
When the fuck did any Condeurians attempt a bombing? If this happened, it wasn't government affiliated ~Darynu
Breshikan Public Projects
A listing of ongoing projects open to the citizenry and select parties to earn brownie points and loot materials.
Avence Proper
Northern Border
The northern border needs a clearer definition, the image bellow charts where a path is planned. It should be an over land surface road, preferably in gravel, but cobble, or a simple cleared area would also be fine. Also needs some huts along the way, for feel free to build some personal cabins. Clear out the trees around the line, but leave any large growth parent trees to maintain the root system.
Avencian WaterWays
To improve maritime shipping and establish rule of the waves, local waterways first need to be improved to accommodate an influx and output of warships.
In Blue: Take it out, down as far as you can manage; you can keep any materials (basically stacks of dirt).
In Green: Fill it in with dirt.
Königsreich Breschikische
Linguists discovered a new Breshikan language: in addition to Breshikan English, it seems that Nova Avence's inhabitants have also created the creole language Breshikan German!