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Taibei Diplomatic's incidentPart of the Taibei/Kriegstein's Consulate war(incoming?)
Dates 6-15-2013
Location Taibei downtown
Result Kriegstein's bugghurt
Kriegstein Consulate Xin-Taibei
Leaders and Commanders
1 2 (with one creeper)
1, a lot of enchanted stuff 1 (le creeper)

Early on the morning, the First Consul of Kriegstein was the victim of a shamefull suicidal attack orchestrated by Taibei's terrorists. When he came back his stuff was shamefully stolen by the commie leader: DustRemover.

Taibei claimed annexation of Nouvelle Reims, and murdered the most prominent consul of Kriegstein's leading Triumvirate. Then Taibei's leader stole Sidmarcus01's stuff.

Taibei, an old communist project imagined by Dustremover, was finally starting on Oceania. Sidmund Marcus the First, seeing these new neighbours, wanted to take a friendly visit on this new birthing mudhut fucking third world shit settlement. Then Taibei's leader, DustRemover, claimed annexation of Nouvelle Reims. Still unsure of this oldfriend intentions, the First Consul took the decision to bring some war stuff with him, just in case.

The Battle

While speaking and watching the building of this new neighbouring city, a creeper suicidal bomber hired by Taibei suddenly attacked Sid and blown him away (confident DustRemover won't have any hostile behaviour he didn't wore any armor). Then the leader stole all his valuable stuff and logged out like a sandniggah vanished.

When the first Consul came back and found his stuff stolen (the dirty leader also took some bread, such is life in Third World), he got bugghurt and swore to crush Xin-Taibei.


Nothing relevant since no one was online.

Following Battle(s)


Sidmarcus was killed, some valuable stuff stolen. Overall the bugghurt was strong.

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  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:00
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