niller's 2-block wide cobble roads are awful and should be edited. Also I'm surely gonna finish Alpha Highway someday. — June 2015/09/01 02:24

oops, they are actually 3-block wide since like, long ago, sorry. Anyway, I'd smooth some of the corners there and make more diagonal parts. And connection to Eureka's bridge is the worst part of it - styles differ greatly. — June 2015/09/02 02:40

The roads in Orcaella are now in compliance with this thing. — Carluga 2015/09/19 01:33

Badf should is also in compliance with the treaty — austro 2015/09/22 10:54

  • talk/orders/northeast_rail_and_highway_cooperative.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)