The grammatically incorrect Russian text bothers me. I made a more correct version of the text with my moderate native knowledge of Russian and Wikipedia research on the soviet army:

четырнадцатый стрелковый корпус и 88-й корпус лучников курвского фронта

It's supposed to say 14th infantry corps and 88th corps of archers from the Kurwan front. -SurgeReaper

It will not be changed due to personal laziness but you're welcome to correct it yourself. — Sikandar 2011/09/14 19:29

Battx military weak! MONGOL STRONG! — green kitten 2013/01/18 13:28

  • talk/nations/battkhortostan/military_of_battkhortostan.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)