Sikandar isn't even a mongol though, he is battx. If you want to arrange a battle with the mongols talk to Kovio or Greenkitten. As far as I am concerned you just griefed our town. — green kitten 2012/05/27 17:50

Mazznoff we organized ONE battle over the wiki.


This issue can be defined by a Mod court if both sides agree to give that power to mods who will, in group, reach a general agreement.caBastard 2012/06/01 03:51

mod court


are you going to invent jurisdiction and competence on-the-spot?

A personal appeal from Jimmy Wales

Please stop the wiki fightening's, you are giving both nations a bad image ;_; — fegelein 2012/06/01 13:29

Yes please caBst, we need a mod ruling over whether this is a battle or a raid. Otherwise this shit flinging will go on forever. — green kitten 2012/06/01 16:26

Mazznoff: No, it wont be me just me. I want all the mods active to participate. This is obviously a problems turning the wiki in methaporical shit just like Fegelein pointed out. So I think the mods should intervene here to set this down once and for all. However I want both sides to agree. It would be nice if you could get Sikandar to come back.

Greenkitten: I will initiate a intra-mod discussion if both sides agree. But I need Sikandar for this considering he's one of the subjects in question. Get him to log in.

caBastard 2012/06/01 20:09

I haven't seen him on steam lately, and our timezones don't really match. I'll try my best though. — green kitten 2012/06/01 20:24

Why can't I hold all this autism — te3 2012/06/01 20:51

So how about another Battle. -The Sturm

  • talk/battles/battle_of_the_desert.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
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