The Troll Kingdom

The Troll Kingdom
Local Languages English and shitty Hochdeutsch
Demonyn Troll King
Government Monarchy
Leader Kopfjaegar
Establishment 17/01/2012
Population 1
Abbreviation TK

The Troll Kingdom is the domain of Kopfjaegar, no one is welcome into The Troll Kingdom. A noteworthy fact about The Troll Kingdom is it's placement almost directly under Neu Bremen. Also interesting is the Troll Kingdom's ability to exist entirely underground without any need to go to the world's surface.

Founded soley to finance the construction of the Troll King Temple.

Located entirely underground, mostly at Bedrock level. The Troll Kingdom is connected to a variety of caves and abandoned mineshafts which fall under the control of The Troll King.

The Troll Kingdom is the richest settlement in all of the world. This is evidenced by the existence of the Troll King's massive Diamond/Iron/Gold Temple (still under construction).

By offical decree only Rotten Flesh may be consumed in The Kingdom, this is largely based on the inability of The Kingdom to produce any other foodstuffs.

Due to the sole residenceship of Kopfjaegar the Local Government does not exist.

  • settlements/troll_kingdom.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)