
Location Coordinates
-2800 77 -3700
Local Languages English
Government monarchy
Leader sxiv founder
Establishment 10-30-2023
Population ~4

We live on the Northern coast of Terra Silva.

founding/time period

Originally created as a Slavian colony, sxivland was discovered by sxiv. Following the dissolution of Slavia due to the wars with Gribostan, sxiv and his friends built and divided the territory into multiple interconnected city states.

major event/time period

When Kickinwing24 was discovered living in a cave, sxiv took him back to the mountains and offered him land in exchange for labor. As a result, Kickinwing founded New Agartha. The two cities share farms and resources.

Inner city, Jungle, Savanna, Islands, Tunnel

Large sugarcane farm and nearby gunpowder farm. Amethyst extraction and villager trading is done in New Agartha. There is also a zombie farm and large cavespider farm.

Most players are unactive other than sxiv, and their chests and barrels get in the way of building. The city is kind of ugly and needs to be remodeled. A nation needs to be reformed before Salah will rollback the disgusting mountain the sxiv retardedly fucked up.

sxiv handles administration and diplomacy.

sxiv, Nikocado, AaronDotGG, mnecraft

  • settlements/sxivland.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/31 04:22
  • by sxiv