Location X-1491.700 Y3993.303
Google map link
Local Languages English
Government Monarchy
Establishment 13.02.2022
Population 1
ASC/S Multinational


Write a shitty summary here

founding/time period

Kyiv was founded in 2022 on February 13.The Founding Father of the Principality was its actual ruler Prince _PASEUDON_. (The article is still being written)

major event/time period

February 13, 2022, Foundation of the city of the state Kyiv. February 14, 2022, Koranation of the first ruler of Prince _POSEUDON_.(The article is still being written)

(The article is still being written)

Kyiv is a maritime state, and therefore maritime trade is its pen of profit, but it also has rich deposits: copper, iron, lapis lazuli and red stone. The annual year is 2 500 000 UAH. The state also provides transshipment services to its neighbors, which brings considerable income. (The article is still being written) (The article is still being written)

(The article is still being written)

The form of government in the Principality is a monarchy. (The article is still being written)

The population of the country is mainly rural, this is due to the young age of the Principality. (The article is still being written)

  • settlements/kiev.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/03/05 17:45
  • by sikandar