This is how Rushkaball looks IRL. Probably.

Typical Russian with Russian morals. He was the head of a whole organized crime association responsable for duplicating various valuable blocks such as glowstone, mossy stone, iron, diamond and gold. He was permanently banned for his crimes (together with Lampuag) once the duplication machine was found by the MOD-INTERPOL beneath Rain's castle in the Corporation of Astonia-Vostok, which he leaded. «« Cultural-Marxist anti-White propaganda in action

The Grand Master of the Templar Knights Order. Hates Cultural-Marxist scum, lefties, niggers and mudslims. Follows the teachings of St. Anders in order to cleanse the server from Marxist traitors.

  • people/rushkaball.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)