Corporation of Astonia-Vostok
Capital New Astonia
Official Languages English
Demonyn Astonian
Government Council State of Kurwa
Chairman caBastard
Establishment June 29th 2011
Population 20~
Abbreviation AST

Corporation of Astonia-Vostok

Astonia-Vostok (called only Astonia) is a group of small settlements made by ThatRussian. The history of Astonia is marked by a lack of political stability and corruption.

Astonia was first founded at 29th of June as Mountain Empire by the emperor ThatRussian. In this time, first settlement, Cosy Mountain, was founded. Later on, 2 new settlers joined his nation, Lampuag and Rushkaball. Together they started to build the skyscraper, known as New Astonia today. Later on, more people began to join the Mountain Empire to help with construction of the skyscraper. In the day, when the skyscraper was constructed, ThatRussian resigned his Emperor title for the reason that he wanted to explore new lands, and declared Rushkaball the Emperor of The Mountain Empire, which was later on transformed by the emperor Rushkaball into a corporate state of Astonia. Rushkaball declared himself as a Chairman and started to develop the new nation and to establish diplomatic relationships with other nations. On 18th of July, the power fell to Rain since Rushka and all other council members misteriously vanished and he installed absolute monarchy into Astonia, himself becoming the first king.

Oymyakonian Annexation

After it was discovered that Lampuag and Rushkaball were duplicating precious metals, they were immediately banned by the mods authorities. Also with Rain out of sight and no citizens left but Jarek, the land was given to him with the approval of Alphabernd. Jarek then became fellow tsar with Keresztanya, annexig Astonia to Oymyakón and renaming it Vostok.

Kurwan Annexation

After the incidents of August the 1st, (oymyakon read more here), Vostok passed to the hands of caBastard who annexed it to the Kurwan Empire as a new Commonwealth with the name of Commonwealth of Astonia-Vostok.

Joint Operation

The Council of Kurwa agreed to have a joint operation with other nations in order to reconstruct the wasteland that was Astonia. Among those nation we can find Badfaceshire and the Kingdom of Topa.

Astonia-Vostok is a semi-autonomous Commonwealth ruled by the Supreme Council of the Kurwan Empire.

The main building, the high-tec glass skyscraper, is situated in the middle of a lake with a bridge connecting it to the mainland. There is a mountain and a few hills surrounding the skyscraper, including several mansions, lighthouses and the first Astonian settlement - Cosy Mountain. The Astonians claim the land surrounding the skyscraper, including Cosy Mountain, and an Old Astonia, a settlement to the south of the skyscraper.

  • New Astonia
  • Cosy Mountain
  • Old Astonia

Astonia-Vostok answers to the Kurwan Armed Forces

Unlike the other Kurwan Commonwealth, Astonia's flag is the same as the Astonian War Flag, the one that holds the Kurwan Ensign. Before the annexation, Astonia's flag was exactly the same as Estonia's flag which was unacceptable for the Kurwan administration. The issue of a new flag has yet to be revised by the leaders of Astonia.

The Astonians boast great wealth per capita, which comes mainly from mining in their deep and complex mines and trade. All bullshit. Every single iron/diamond/gold/brick/mossy/etc block they owned was duplicated. That's why they all got banned.

After the Kurwan annexation, the town duplicated items were taken down which are now being used in the reconstruction of the settlement itself. Said items are the base of the Astonian economy.

Culture is European. NOPE. Typical Slavic morals and Pinoy crime.

After the Kurwan anneexation, Astonia has developed a posh-party clubbing culture.

Former flag of Astonia. Discontinued by the Kurwan administration for obvious reasons.

  • history/beta_17/nations/astonia.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
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