Article 1

  • Chapter 1 Nation Membership and Definition

Every nation (a city of more than 15 people seeking to claim land that exceeds their buildings) is a member of the AN. A town may enforce their own laws in their territory, however no land can be claimed outside the constraints of a town's border without nation status. In order to become a nation, a town must prove that it has at least 15 inhabitants to 2 members of the AN and the new borders must be claimed reasonable by the AN. Alternatively, the AN can vote in a smaller settlement as a nation with a 60% yes vote. The border should be marked with either a wall or some other distinguishing feature.

  • Chapter 2 Boundaries of Nations

Future changes in national borders do not have to be sanctioned by the AN, but unchecked expansion is liable to be revoked by AlphaBernd or precipitate a war. If there is a boundary dispute between two states, it will be put forth to the AN. Each side shall produce a map of the disputed border with neatly drawn boundaries and documentation regarding the land and their claims. A resolution will then be introduced and a vote taken. This resolution will be binding.

  • Chapter 3 Boundaries of Towns

3 AN representatives will be dispatched to define the borders of a town if the need arises. Their decision will be binding. If there is disagreement about who the representatives should be, a resolution will be introduced and all nations will vote on the issue.

Article 2

All nations are required to accept declarations of war as defined by the International Rules of Engagement. Rejection of a war will lead to the automatic defeat of that nation. Failure to accept this will result in the disbanding of that nation and all privileges that title affords. Acceptance of wartime must be given by a government official (as defined by each individual nation). Unexcused absence of a government official for more than 5 days will be interpreted as surrender unless an interim official is put forth by that nation.

Article 3

  • Chapter 1 Resolution Introduction

All nations may introduce resolutions. Each nation will have 24 hours from the introduction of the resolution to vote or be discounted. If less than 60% of nations vote, the resolution automatically fails.

  • Chapter 2 Veto Powers

There are three veto power holders. These nations have been chosen based on age, population, experience, and temperament.

  1. Permanent veto power holders - Kurwa, Batt.x
  2. The most populated member state behind the permanent powers

Should one of the permanent veto power holders become defunct (defined as their representative becoming inactive for 3 voting consecutive sessions without explanation or replacement) it shall be passed on to the next most populace nation. If a veto power is unhappy with the new nation, there will be a vote on whether to adopt the next most populace instead and so on.

  • Chapter 3 Voting

All resolutions shall be passed by simple majority. If the resolution is vetoed by a Veto Power it will require a 60% yes vote. If vetoed by 2 veto powers, 70% is required and there is an extension of the deadline by 24 hours from the second veto. If all three veto, 90% is required. Member states may be suspended from the AN for a period lasting no longer than 2 sessions if a resolution is passed with a voting threshold of 75% and without a veto.

  • Chapter 4 Absence

If a representative is absent for a voting session then his nation shall be discounted for the purposes of calculating percentages.

Article 4

If a member nation or the Alpha Nations itself is attacked by a non-member state then that state must accept all declarations of war on it until peace is restored. By attacking, the state also agrees to accept any sanctions or resolutions the AN sees fit to pass against it that don't violate its internal laws.

Article 5

No state shall under any condition prevent the transit of a AN representative through his or her territory as long as that representative is traveling in his official role as AN Ambassador and directly between the AN complex and the nation he represents. Interference will result at a minimum a fine (magnitude to be determined by a vote or by the two involved nations) paid to the representative's nation.

Lawful War and Battles

  1. In order for a battle to be officially and lawfully recognised, it must have the full agreement of both parties' governments and both sides must have agreed to be at a state of war (see article 2 of the Alpha Nations charter).
  2. There shall be no use of lava or action that will result in the loss of inventory, foe or friend.
  3. There shall be at all times rain, if possible.
  4. There shall be no weapons made of diamond.
  5. In lawful and government sanctioned battles, armour of diamonds will not be permitted.
  6. Any inventory loot attained by either side may be kept in an officially sanctioned battle as the spoils of war.
  7. The following blocks and items (and ONLY the following blocks and items) will be permitted to be destroyed: Torches, Signs, Glass, Flags, and Trees.
  8. Violation of this treaty will result in capitulation of the battle, the war, or the status of 'nation.' Depending on the circumstances it could even warrant a ban from the server. Do not deviate from these rules.


  1. A raid is categorised as any hostile military action taken without the consent of both parties, though both sides must have agreed to be currently in a state of war.
  2. As above, there will be no lava nor fire nor diamond weapons, though diamond armour is permitted.
  3. As above, it shall rain, if possible.
  4. As above, the following blocks and items (and ONLY the following blocks and items) will be permitted to be destroyed: Torches, Signs, Glass, Flags, and Trees.
  5. All attackers are required to return any valuable loot at the request of the defenders.
  6. Defenders may lawfully keep any spoils they strip from the raiders.
  • talk/nations/alpha_nations_charter.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)