The Archipelago of Vengard

The Archipelago of Vengard
Capital capital
Official Languages English
random bydlo language
Demonyn -ian
Government basic govt type
Leader head
Establishment 6-14-88
Population ~666
Abbreviation Fingolia

The Archipelago of Vengard consists of several islands scattered around 3500/3900 coordinates. On the biggest island lays The Vengard City, while other islands are currently not populated. The city was found in February 2012 by BarabaDruze. The islands started evolving rapidly after Bane joined in to help the founder when his mate Icey departured.

founding/time period

Fingolia was Founded 3.7.2011 when message about founding new empire started spreading in Ylilauta (Finnish Imageboard)

major event/time period

Every day is New Mene event day.

Empire of Fingolia is lot of mountains and plains. Spurdo is surrounded by mountains in the north and south. Some Hikikomori finns have also builted house to those mountains


write of non-countries here

write the domestic drama here

write about minerals here

write about local life here

  • settlements/taov.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)