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Yagira the Hacker

Alternative nicks of Yagira: NoIDeaWa | Bambuel | Unbaned_Yagira (lolwut) | Yagira | Virus

[Edited: unrelated chat discussions removed for ease of read, emphasis, and link access]

23:34:41 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> jinx, are you sure all your chest are locked xD?
23:35:31 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> gee i hope
23:36:11 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> why, you on your way to visit?
23:36:18 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> haha
23:36:25 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> was thinking about it ;3
23:36:46 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> might as well. got a bit of progress since last time

* upon retrieving building material, finding Yagira at the Administration office:
23:46:26 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> stop that
23:46:31 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> haha
23:46:44 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> these chests are logged
23:46:56 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> why are you opening them?
23:47:04 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> just checking
23:47:05 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> hacker!
23:47:12 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> noo
23:47:14 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> its me, mario
23:47:38 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i saw you OPEN them, and they ARE already locked
23:47:46 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> ;3
23:47:58 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> now i just have to find a way to take your stuff
23:48:03 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> gib me a minute
23:48:08 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> did you kill these yevs too?
23:48:18 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> nope
23:48:23 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> im not hitler
23:48:25 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i do not believe you
23:48:44 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> ;_;
23:48:47 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> did you bring zlywilk here? he's been known to endanger my people
23:49:11 Spock [alpha] <zlywilk> animals are not people
23:49:19 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> hey walking melon
23:49:24 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> you left all the gates open
23:49:29 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i didnt
23:49:31 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> o.o
23:49:34 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> and zombies went into the house
23:49:41 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> wut?
23:49:43 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i locked them
23:49:47 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> you endangered the people, they died because of you
23:50:09 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> but these two were clearly yag, I'll report him too
23:50:17 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> what!?
23:50:20 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> all my population is properly registered
23:50:35 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> this shit((two mine carts)) was empty when i came here
23:50:40 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> ;_;
23:50:47 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> no one else was here today and they were alive an hour ago
23:51:06 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> but i didnt touch them
23:51:19 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> and i saw you hack so obviously you don't play by the rules
23:51:24 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> what!?
23:51:27 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i dont hack
23:51:31 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> the chests
23:51:41 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> what about them
23:52:25 Spock [alpha] Yagira left the game.
23:52:31 bydlo_3426 how would you hack chestlocks? that is all serverside
23:52:49 == Yagira [] has joined
23:53:02 Yagira ok my internet died and now i cant connect xD
23:53:12 Yagira but why do you think i hack?
23:53:19 Spock [lobby] Yagira joined the game.
23:53:20 Spock [lobby] Yagira joined the server.
23:53:34 Spock [alpha] Yagira joined the server.
23:53:39 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> k im back
23:53:45 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> time for more hacking xD
23:54:23 == Yagira [] has quit
23:54:38 Spock [alpha] <Kitty4fun> ya
23:54:46 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> he actually does kitty
23:54:50 Spock [alpha] <Kitty4fun> ?
23:55:03 Spock [alpha] <zlywilk> wtf am I
23:55:09 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i screened that too
23:55:20 Spock [alpha] <Kitty4fun> i was expresing excitement for finding the news paper stand
23:55:25 Jinx alphabernd?
23:55:41 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> oh sorry
23:55:47 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> jinx wait i wanna check something
23:55:53 Spock [alpha] <Kitty4fun> no to get cought up
23:55:59 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> too late you killer
23:56:21 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> im not a killer
23:57:17 Spock [alpha] <zlywilk> autism is big in this place
23:57:26 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> OMG
23:57:34 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i just bugged that chest
23:57:40 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> dont worry ill give it back
23:57:50 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> but thats a serious bug
23:58:31 bydlo_3426 you bugged it?
23:58:49 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> he's hacking my chests!
23:58:54 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> important ones too
23:59:10 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> and he killed two yevs
23:59:22 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i didnt kill them
23:59:23 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> but yes
23:59:26 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> **im hacking his chest**
00:00:07 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> thx for ink
00:00:07 bydlo_3426 can you take stuff out with this bug?
00:00:13 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> yes
00:00:26 bydlo_3426 that is pretty bad
00:00:40 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> yes
00:00:51 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> give the ink back
00:00:54 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> im shocked
00:00:59 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> that this works
00:01:03 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> such a flaw
00:01:05 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i have a newspaper to print and it takes ages to get!
00:01:16 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> he stole all my ink sacs!
00:01:21 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> ALL!!!
00:01:22 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> but will you believe that i didnt kill your yevs?
00:01:47 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> you realize i'm making screens in quick succession here?
00:01:54 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> they show what was in that chest too
00:02:02 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> you realize ill give it back?
00:02:09 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> if you say you belive me
00:02:11 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> no i have no faith in you
00:02:16 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> put them back right now
00:02:28 Jinx alphabernd!
00:02:53 Spock [alpha] zlywilk left the game.
00:03:14 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i don't care who was when time((see whispers in screenshots)); i see you do it right now
00:03:45 Spock [alpha] Yagira left the game.
00:03:57 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> he did NOT return my stuff
00:04:18 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> there will be no paper tomorrow
00:04:33 bydlo_3426 i will spot you some sacks
00:04:37 Spock [alpha] <Llyrana> How may ink sacs do you need?
00:04:40 bydlo_3426 give me a moment
00:04:41 == Yagira [] has joined
00:04:46 Yagira i cant connect
00:04:47 Yagira uh
00:04:52 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> at least 17, but this is a principle thing
00:05:09 Spock [lobby] Yagira joined the game.
00:05:10 Spock [lobby] Yagira joined the server.
00:05:13 Spock [alpha] <Llyrana> I can kill some squids for you.
00:05:17 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> unless he returns my stuff, i will place a sign at the paper stall stating EXACTLY why there
00:05:19 Spock [alpha] Yagira joined the server.
00:05:22 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> is no paper tomorrow
00:05:29 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> jinx
00:05:34 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> but i wasnt me
00:05:40 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i didnt kill your yevs
00:05:41 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> yes it was
00:06:02 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> put the damn stuff back in the chest and get out!
00:06:23 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> so dont accuse me
00:06:26 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> of killing them
00:06:42 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> 243 ink sacs
00:06:48 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> 100 leather
00:06:55 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> 63 other leather
00:07:00 bydlo_3426 what yevs are these? shopkeepers?
00:07:19 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> what is other leather lol
00:07:23 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> no my population, an important cleric and librarian
00:07:29 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> named leather
00:07:33 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i didnt kill them
00:07:36 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> SAY THAT
00:07:39 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> valensiyan quality stuff
00:07:43 bydlo_3426 zombies didint kill them?
00:07:59 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> only if SOMEONE left the gates open for them, and guess what?
00:08:06 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> only one visitor today
00:08:07 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i didnt left them open
00:08:12 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> creepers were following me
00:08:16 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> so i had to close them
00:08:33 Spock [alpha] <Llyrana> Is like Sherlock Holmes.
00:08:34 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> you're here, they are dead
00:08:36 bydlo_3426 seeing that he pretty much admitted to hacking i am inclined to believe him about the yevs
00:08:41 Spock [alpha] <Llyrana> "Case of the Yevs"
00:08:59 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> he still has not returned my stuff
00:09:03 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> arent yevs logged?
00:09:09 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> no
00:09:23 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> they are entities, as you well know, hacker
00:09:31 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> but horses
00:09:33 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> were
00:09:37 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> why arent yevs
00:09:50 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> are you shitting me?
00:10:08 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> ?
00:10:39 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> there is a reason the horse serial killer was never found either
00:10:52 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> another questions
00:11:17 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> is ekhm... combat start loged?
00:11:35 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> like if we get engaged in combat
00:11:37 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> why, you planning to attack me?
00:11:40 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> does that get logged?
00:12:04 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> afaik there ARE combat logs, but no idea how detailed
00:12:14 Spock [alpha] <Kitty4fun> kills are atleast
00:12:15 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> no but you get engaged in combat with the horse owner
00:12:20 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> if you attack it
00:12:35 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> what like when he sits on it? maybe
00:12:41 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> no
00:12:48 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> he doesnt need to sit on it
00:12:55 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> well the no
00:13:02 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> anyone can ride a tamed horse
00:13:14 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> it doesn't have an 'owner'
00:13:15 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> it worked like this few months ago
00:13:19 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> are you sure?
00:13:21 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> yes
00:13:23 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> do you have a horse?
00:13:26 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> can we check it?
00:13:37 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i often ride stray horses that were abandoned when someone tp'd
00:13:59 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> does anyone have a tamed horse?
00:14:00 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> no, i want my stuff back, finish the project i'm on and get the friggin paper done
00:14:34 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> say i didnt kill them
00:15:30 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i will say no such thing when all the facts speak against you
00:15:44 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> what speaks against me
00:15:50 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> even if they died due to your negligence, i still hold you responsible
00:15:51 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i said im gonna check your chest
00:15:52 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> and i did
00:16:04 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> but the carts were empty
00:16:06 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> when i came here
00:16:21 Spock [alpha] <Llyrana> RIB
00:16:22 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> yet an hour ago they were fine, and not as soon as you're here, while no one else came by
00:16:42 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> how do you know that
00:16:51 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> melon checks
00:16:54 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> yea
00:17:00 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> did you check every block
00:17:01 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> ?
00:17:12 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> every plate leading here
00:17:23 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> there are other ways to get inside
00:17:40 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> within an hour?
00:17:50 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> within 5 min
00:17:58 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> when you saw noone, and i kept tp'ing back for stuff not seeing players either
00:18:03 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> until you?
00:18:17 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> what if someone knew i was gonna come here
00:18:24 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> and came just before me?
00:18:29 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> holding on to what you stole does not make you any more believable
00:18:44 Spock [lobby] Tsaryu joined the game.
00:18:45 Spock [lobby] Tsaryu joined the server.
00:18:47 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> ill give it back when you say i didnt kill them
00:18:52 Spock [alpha] Tsaryu joined the server.
00:18:55 Spock [alpha] <Kitty4fun> ?
00:18:56 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> tsa help me ;_;
00:18:59 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i will not even consider *doubts* as to your guilt while you do not put it back
00:19:01 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> hes accusing me
00:19:04 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> wut
00:19:15 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> he says i killed his yevs
00:19:18 bydlo_3426 just give him back his stuff yag and get over those yevs jinx
00:19:19 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> but i didnt ;_;
00:19:20 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i have screens of him hacking my chests
00:19:26 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> just gibe back items to Jinx and everything will be fine
00:19:28 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> screens of the ACTUAL hacking
00:19:31 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> how does hacking chests work o_o
00:19:48 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> but i want him to apologize
00:19:49 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> opening them even though they're locked, and taking out stuff
00:20:03 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Jinx on your island?
00:20:14 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i will not apologize to thiefs for believing them to be murderers as well
00:20:18 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> yes
00:20:26 bydlo_3426 some old exploit tsar, i guess alphabernd didint update that plugin for a while
00:20:32 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> thief is not a murderer
00:20:41 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> no one else is here
00:20:48 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Yag why did you steal items anyways? its not like you could have asked us for them
00:20:53 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> unless you find someone to admit to it, like zly?
00:21:01 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i didnt steal
00:21:06 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> everything started
00:21:11 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> when i asked if his chest are locked
00:21:16 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> and yet there you have it, and my chest doesn't
00:21:25 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> looks like they arent xD
00:21:26 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> and they are!
00:21:30 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> what if i didnt take them
00:21:38 bydlo_3426 enton
00:21:38 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i premanently deleted them
00:21:41 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i have SCREENS saying so while you stand there opening it
00:21:44 Spock [alpha] <Kitty4fun> Jinxauthor_Mel did you use a mellon
00:21:45 * bydlo_3426 slaps AlphaBernd around a bit with a large trout
00:21:46 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> do you not get that?
00:21:48 * bydlo_3426 slaps Enton around a bit with a large trout
00:21:51 * bydlo_3426 slaps GlitchyBat around a bit with a large trout
00:21:54 * bydlo_3426 slaps Rosenmann around a bit with a large trout
00:21:58 * bydlo_3426 slaps Bragzor around a bit with a large trout
00:22:03 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> well in Steam you wrote me that you found a way to take items from locked chests, so...
00:22:06 * bydlo_3426 slaps te3 around a bit with a large trout
00:22:14 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i did
00:22:17 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> just to show him
00:22:23 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> they are not locked
00:22:24 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> xd
00:22:26 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> not from me :3
00:22:32 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> where on Midgard Jinx
00:22:36 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> but then he started accusing me of killing his yevs
00:22:57 Rosenmann bydlo_3426, why do you ping me
00:23:12 Rosenmann do you want to be destroyed?
00:23:14 bydlo_3426 you got mod still?
00:23:17 Rosenmann yesd
00:23:21 Spock [alpha] <Llyrana> There are moderatoring issues.
00:23:22 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> ^lock
00:23:23 Rosenmann Rosenmod best mod
00:23:23 Spock [alpha] <Kitty4fun> yagira is aparently hacking
00:23:26 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i'll try that
00:23:29 bydlo_3426 can you please resolve this drama
00:23:41 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> see, they already ARE
00:23:43 Rosenmann ok let me join
00:23:48 == bydlo_3426 is now known as Flakese
00:23:50 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> rosenmann stay away
00:23:54 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> its between us xD
00:24:01 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> no it's not
00:24:11 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> ill give you your items
00:24:15 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> yagira hacked my chest, stole stuff and even admitted to it
00:24:16 Flakese fish his inventory he should have inksacs
00:24:22 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> just say i didnt kill your yevs
00:24:29 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i want him banned, like severely
00:24:46 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> but ill give it back
00:24:50 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> just want you to apologize
00:25:02 Flakese he wont
00:25:21 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Yag why are you making so much artificial drama? ISnt your GF doing enough drama?
00:25:32 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> or why this sudden attention-seeking?
00:26:12 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> because hes accusing me of something i didnt do
00:26:45 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> also its not hacking
00:26:48 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> its glitching
00:26:56 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> where on that island are you
00:27:01 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> im running around but I cant find you
00:27:03 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i'm uploading the screens now
00:27:03 Flakese same thing with the rules on this server yag
00:27:10 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> in my residence
00:27:15 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> the office room
00:27:19 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> coming
00:27:29 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> he still hasn't given back the stolen goods
00:27:31 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> not exactly the same
00:27:44 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> will you apologize if i give them back?
00:27:53 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> you see
00:27:57 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> they are open :3
00:28:00 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i was right
00:28:11 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> no he said he bugged them
00:28:13 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> they are Donation type
00:28:19 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> so they are opened
00:28:20 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> they are already logged
00:28:21 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> :3
00:28:32 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> so opening them is okay but why could you take items from them?
00:28:38 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> for example I cant
00:28:46 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i can
00:28:47 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i got what i wanted
00:28:49 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> he too
00:28:52 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> it puts them back in the chest if I grab something
00:28:57 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> they are open
00:29:06 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i was right :3
00:29:07 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i won
00:29:09 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Yag are you still having one of those admin-torches from back then?
00:29:16 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> [[]] see how they are NOT open
00:29:40 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Jinx for me it shows donation type
00:29:46 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> botjh of them
00:29:56 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> donation =/= locked
00:30:02 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> he stated himself that he BUGGED them
00:30:08 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> look tsa you only just came
00:30:16 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> and weren't on the chat either
00:30:23 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> oh, i should post that too
00:30:35 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> melon check what he stole
00:30:40 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i didnt steal
00:30:47 Spock [lobby] Rosenmann joined the game.
00:30:48 Spock [lobby] Rosenmann joined the server.
00:30:49 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> sure you did
00:30:51 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> nope
00:30:55 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> just wanted to check something
00:31:04 Spock [alpha] Rosenmann joined the server.
00:31:05 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> >Yagira too 242x black dye 100x leather 63x leather
00:31:07 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> took*
00:31:08 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> see
00:31:16 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> ic stont
00:31:17 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> xD
00:31:18 Spock [alpha] <Kitty4fun> that is still locked
00:31:25 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Yag give back the items and go fuck your stupid GF and stop bothering us if you cant handle RL
00:31:28 Spock [alpha] <Rosenmann> Tsaryu u mod rite
00:31:32 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Rosen: no
00:31:37 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> want me to post the irc log to a wiki page?
00:31:43 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> you can
00:31:47 Flakese open inv
00:31:49 Spock [alpha] <Kitty4fun> yes but donation only alows you to give items not take
00:31:59 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> you sure kitty?
00:32:38 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> there you go
00:32:40 Spock [alpha] <Kitty4fun> just access
00:33:03 == Rosenmann has left (Leaving)
00:33:19 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> jinx
00:33:33 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Yag why did you decide to be an asshole anyways?
00:33:52 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> 1. he was accusing me
00:33:57 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> 2. i just wanted to check somthing
00:34:03 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> there, i gave them back
00:34:11 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> do you also want your clay?
00:34:19 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> you know, the one from last time?
00:34:51 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> [[]] have a read
00:35:09 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> you stole the clay AGAIN?
00:35:23 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> no it's there, okay
00:35:33 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> jinx, im secretly a mod
00:35:38 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> it was a troll
00:35:45 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> the last time, clay was returned by mod
00:35:47 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Yag thats not funny, and thi is not trolling
00:35:51 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> and you are not a mod
00:36:09 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> okay
00:36:11 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> **whatever he got his items back**
00:36:14 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> **still want him banned**
00:36:15 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Socially retarded "oh it was only a prank" afterwards is KC tier
00:36:24 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> **for causing this shit and hacking in the first place**
00:36:25 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Yag I wish you will grow up one day
00:36:28 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Good bye!
00:36:29 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> and i didnt kill his yevs
00:36:42 Spock [alpha] <jastro_cat> so basically the stuff on our locked chests arent really safe?
00:36:47 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> no
00:36:48 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> yep
00:36:55 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> this plugin is bullshit
00:37:00 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> that what i wanted to show
00:37:05 Flakese so please link the glitch so it can be patched and we avoid such chat drama
00:37:30 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> rosenmann?
00:37:34 Flakese or just pm it to alphabernd in irc
00:37:50 Flakese if that is what you wanted to show
00:37:57 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> remember my question? "are you sure all your chest are locked"
00:38:09 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> yep thats what i wanted to show
00:38:15 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> and im sure alpha knows about it
00:38:24 Spock [alpha] <Rosenmann> so
00:38:29 Spock [alpha] <Rosenmann> i didnt read all the logs so far
00:38:36 Spock [alpha] <Rosenmann> but it seems someone forgot to lock his chest
00:38:45 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> do read that log
00:38:49 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Rosen, the chests were locked
00:38:54 Spock [alpha] <Rosenmann> oh, so it was a bug
00:38:55 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> he even admitted to hacking himself in it
00:38:58 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> and Yag abused a Glitch to takte items from them
00:39:08 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> also why would i make DONATION chests in my home?
00:39:12 Flakese tl:dr Yagira says he found a bug to open LWC plugin locks
00:39:30 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> how do i change them from donation to locked?
00:39:31 Spock [alpha] <Rosenmann> oh i see
00:39:39 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> all i get is the message it's already locked
00:40:17 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Have fun being an idiot Yag. That's noone I want as a friend.
00:40:22 Flakese unlock it and relock
00:40:23 Flakese ?
00:40:42 Spock [alpha] <Rosenmann> yea, /cunlock and /cprivate
00:40:48 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> ok, now IM an idiot
00:40:59 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> well you did abuse a glitch and caused drama
00:41:16 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> well i said
00:41:18 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Anyways I dont want to talk to you anymore either. Enjoy the silence in Steam. Goodbye.
00:41:23 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i wanted to check something
00:41:29 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> did you mess with any other chests here today?
00:41:37 Flakese please enough with the chatshit, its good that Yagira atleast came clean and didint clean out every chest on the server
00:41:56 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> only because i saw him in flagranti
00:42:05 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> and confronted him too
00:42:16 Spock [alpha] <Rosenmann> ok, how about this
00:42:26 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i'm still awaiting a proper punishment
00:42:33 Spock [alpha] <Rosenmann> we will not ban you this time
00:42:39 Spock [alpha] <Rosenmann> but if another accident comes up
00:42:46 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> ban me for what?
00:42:47 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Rosen it's the second time already
00:42:49 Spock [alpha] <Rosenmann> shit
00:42:58 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> last time he stole like 1000+ clay
00:42:59 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> for proving that this plugin isnt safe?
00:43:07 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> also from Jinx
00:43:13 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> it wasnt stealing
00:43:18 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> the chests were open then
00:43:26 Flakese tell te admin then yagira if you are so worried about security
00:43:31 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> just trash your glitched admin torch
00:43:37 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> which you got bac then
00:43:42 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> what torch?
00:43:47 Spock [alpha] <Rosenmann> i told admin
00:43:56 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> I suspect you got one from when your items were fugged
00:44:01 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> along with the glitched books
00:44:05 Flakese you dont go around stealing peoples shit untill someone catches you and then claim you are trying to prove some point
00:44:10 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> whats an admin torch
00:44:18 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> flakese
00:44:21 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> but you realize
00:44:25 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i told him i was gonna do it?
00:44:51 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> you think i would do that if i wanted to steal anything?
00:45:13 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> well "Yagira took black dye from chest" in the log is pretty self-explanatory, tho
00:45:33 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> yea and i gave it back
00:45:50 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Jinx if you need anythign else let me know
00:45:57 Spock [alpha] <Rosenmann> I have no idea what proper punishment would be like
00:46:26 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> btw what are these 2 carts for? :3
00:46:37 Jinx there were **two yevs** in them
00:46:44 Flakese we need to know how he did it so it can be fixed for one
00:46:56 Jinx they died while yag was here, no one else came to day, within an hour of last checking
00:46:56 Spock [alpha] <Rosenmann> i told alpha about this
00:47:01 Spock [alpha] <Rosenmann> so don't worry about this
00:47:02 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> im gonna tell alpha
00:47:10 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> how exactly it works
00:47:31 Jinx now i gotta put there deaths in the cemetery registry
00:49:15 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> my beloved george
00:49:26 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> he sold fire protection IV book
00:49:30 Spock [alpha] Rosenmann left the game.
00:50:06 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Jinx need help making new Yevs?
00:50:40 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> what problem?
00:50:56 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> that i dont like when someone is accusing me of something?
00:51:17 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i told him i was gome come
00:51:20 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Yag you can stop trying. You were caught in something it's hard to talk oneself out of.
00:51:35 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> and check his chests
00:51:41 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> it was supposed to be a joke
00:51:57 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> then i found out you can take items out of donations chests
00:52:10 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> told him i was going to check something
00:52:18 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> also he got everything back
00:52:23 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i was fair with him
00:52:33 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> and honest the entire fucking time
00:53:26 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> now frederic, at least, got united with his dead wife
00:55:18 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> so . . . no punishment for hacking, huh?
00:57:07 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Apparently Rosen wants Alpha to decide
00:57:12 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> okay
00:57:36 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> I dont get why he didnt show this on a new chests as a demonstration
00:57:43 Spock [alpha] <Kitty4fun> well that is still up to the admin but rosenmann chose not to. seemed not sure what to do for
00:57:47 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> if he really wanted to "prove" it only
00:57:52 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> he's still here((Yagira, on Midgard))
00:57:59 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> get off my island
00:58:03 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> tsa, i only realized that
00:58:08 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> when i opened his chest
00:58:18 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> which was in fact OPEN because it was donation chest
00:58:31 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Yag get lost and stop talking to me. I have zero respect for you by now.
00:58:40 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> because?
00:58:42 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> just because one can doesnt mean one should
00:59:12 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> yea, sure
00:59:23 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> **i told him what im gonna do**
00:59:33 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> and that he will get everthing back
00:59:37 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> do read the log
00:59:48 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Took you *quite* some time to give it back, though...
00:59:51 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> all you said was that you were thinking about another visit
00:59:52 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> for "just a proof"
01:01:44 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Though we got better things to do than to supervise him not to cause any more damage... :/
01:02:55 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> You're still here.
01:02:56 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> you see him, tsa?
01:02:59 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> yes
01:03:00 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> ah ok
01:03:17 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i get afterimages sometimes, apparently due to my internet
01:03:47 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Yag, leave. This is the last civil warning I can give you.
01:05:36 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> tsa, it'sokay
01:05:47 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> don't start anything violent
01:05:58 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Why not? Some people only learn it the hard way :/
01:06:20 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> in this case, it would do more harm than good NOt to leave punishment to alpha
01:06:25 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> okay
01:06:40 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> by now he may even have a home set here, so it wouldn't help anything anyhow
01:06:49 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> if you need me to bitchslap him, just tell me in skype
01:07:03 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Jinx: its not about removing him from kebaps, it's about sending a message. joker.jpg
01:07:08 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> errr
01:07:19 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> "not about removing kebaps from premises" sorry XD
01:07:54 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Okay Jinx if you need me to slap him, tell me in Skype. I will play another game now :3
01:07:57 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Cya ^^/
01:08:02 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> have fun
01:08:04 Spock [alpha] Tsaryu left the game.

* Yagira still not leaving, checking around with melon block:
01:27:23 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> that only works on oak
01:30:13 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> better check your yevs
01:30:18 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i did
01:30:23 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> all others are fine
01:30:25 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> do it again
01:30:36 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i did just now o.O
01:33:52 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> now you gonna watch me all the time?
01:34:09 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i do not feel my people are safe with you around
01:34:35 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> all it accomplishes is delaying the paper
01:34:45 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> good thing i can blame that on you
01:35:14 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> you can go
01:35:16 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> dont worry
01:35:22 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i do not trust you anymore
01:35:25 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> ill tell you when i kil lthem
01:35:37 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> it's too öate then
01:35:42 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> *late
01:35:58 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> just like i told you i would give you your items back
01:36:13 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> if i comply with some condition
01:36:24 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> that's extortion, not a trial
01:36:27 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> because i was pissed
01:36:31 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> nor a promise
01:36:39 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> **i really didnt touch your villagers**
01:37:02 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> like i said, that does not mean you weren't careless in some way
01:37:18 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> dont you think others would be dead too?
01:37:24 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> if lets say a zombie got in?
01:37:34 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i think i got back in time to prevent worse
01:38:06 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> or if it was just one, it despawned before getting to all
01:38:15 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> they do not go on search and destroy
01:38:20 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> why would it despawn
01:38:24 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> if i was around?
01:38:25 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> just hit what gets close to them
01:38:55 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> find who did it then and have them confess
01:39:14 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> or some other proof it WASN'T your fault
01:39:35 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> it's the only way that would convince ME and have me feel my people can endure
01:39:42 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> your visit without supervision
01:39:53 Spock [lobby] Tsaryu joined the game.
01:39:54 Spock [lobby] Tsaryu joined the server.
01:40:03 Spock [alpha] Tsaryu joined the server.
01:40:14 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> ok then
01:40:22 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> ill look for some clues
01:43:57 Spock [lobby] Koduck joined the game.
01:43:58 Spock [lobby] Koduck joined the server.
01:44:05 Spock [alpha] Koduck joined the server.
01:47:13 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> yag, did you finally leave my home?
01:47:22 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> looking for clues
01:47:27 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> nope still here
01:47:48 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> man, i don't want you on my island anymore
01:48:08 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Koduck move Yag to spawn or somewhere he is less of a danger
01:48:15 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> no he is at Jonx'
01:48:18 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Jinx'
01:48:20 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i dont want to be accused of anything
01:48:24 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> if he has made a homepoint, that won't help
01:48:36 Spock [alpha] <Koduck> if he doesn't leave, just kill him
01:48:45 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> the only clues here were made by you
01:48:57 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> no i won't tarnish my record for a jerk
01:49:11 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> also that would certainly give him some sort of ammunition
01:49:25 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> rosen was here earlier but didn't takie him off my hands for the hacking
01:49:26 Spock [alpha] <Koduck> that's how it works
01:49:33 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> he's at it again btw, opening chests
01:50:00 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> and i had *JUST* re-locked them too
01:50:05 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> now i can start again
01:50:22 Spock [alpha] <Koduck> somebody please tell me what this shit is about
01:50:23 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> great why didn't he just ban him till monday night so i can get the paper done?
01:50:24 Spock [alpha] <Koduck> in detail
01:50:43 Spock [alpha] <Koduck> so
01:50:44 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> [[]] this if you have time
01:50:53 Spock [alpha] <Koduck> there is a bug allowing to open donation chests?
01:50:58 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> yes
01:51:07 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> told alpha about it
01:51:10 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> in short, he hacked my chests and stole stuff for which i have proof
01:51:21 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> gave it back when rosen demanded and tsa came by
01:51:42 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> and while i have no proof and he insists otherwise, i suspect him responsible for the death
01:51:47 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> of two yevs
01:52:16 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> apparently rosen took the bug thing to alpha, but i'm not sure about any punishment option
01:52:31 Spock [alpha] <Koduck> so which chests are open again?
01:52:35 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> in any case, he's here NOW still disturbing my home
01:52:56 Spock [alpha] <Koduck> that's what killing is for
01:53:02 Spock [alpha] <Koduck> stand your ground
01:53:15 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Jinx I can do it if you dont want to
01:53:24 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> yag which one this time?
01:53:27 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> **"<Yagira> jinx wait i wanna check something"**
01:53:38 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i think this clearly states i was just trying something
01:53:46 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> then i found out that bug
01:53:59 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> and i didnt "hack" to open it
01:54:02 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> it was donation chest
01:54:04 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> what good would it do to kill him? he'll just be right back
01:54:12 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> that's not true
01:54:25 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> whats not true?
01:54:34 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i have no donation chests here
01:54:35 == greenkitten [] has joined
01:54:39 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> IT WAS A DONATION CHEST
01:54:44 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> tsaryu confirmed that
01:54:59 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> after you yourself admitted you bugged it
01:55:01 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> when it came on, where you already hacked it
01:55:05 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> when I came on*
01:55:16 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> it was a donation chest all the fucking time
01:55:21 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> theres no way i can change that
01:55:28 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> its fucking server sided
01:55:29 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Yag its hard to believe you there...
01:56:19 Spock [alpha] <Koduck> yagira, what are you doing here anyway?
01:56:25 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> looking for clues
01:56:33 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> i wanna prove that i didnt kill his yevs
01:56:40 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> and that someone was here before me
01:57:57 Spock [alpha] <Koduck> that's not very credible tbh
01:58:27 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> its kinda pointless
01:58:33 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> its too easy to get in
01:58:37 Spock [alpha] <Yagira> without being noticed
01:58:50 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> the fridge chests say donation now too
01:58:51 Spock [alpha] <Koduck> what
01:59:39 Spock [alpha] Koduck left the game.
02:00:16 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i'm relocking them now
02:01:55 Yagira jinx can i try something else x?D
02:02:10 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> no i have enough of your trying stuff
02:02:18 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> go try on your own turf
02:03:20 Spock [alpha] Yagira left the game((banned by Koduck for a week)).
02:03:32 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> thanks, koduck
02:03:33 Yagira are you kidding me?
02:03:34 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Thanks
02:03:47 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> at least now i can get back and some work done
02:03:49 Enton Yagira: why were you still lurking there then?
02:04:06 Yagira thanks to that he found another OPEN chests
02:04:10 Yagira he should thanks me
02:04:15 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> it's okay if you let him backcome tuesday
02:04:32 Yagira thank*
02:04:58 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i just need some breathing romm now
02:05:22 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> *room
02:05:51 Yagira **maybe i should do some hacking**
02:05:55 Yagira **and unban myself**
02:05:59 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> :---D
02:06:05 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> kek
02:07:10 Spock [alpha] <Koduck> okay, i'll shorten the ban((to one day)) because i have no idea to resolve it tbh
02:07:39 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> thank you
02:09:27 Spock [alpha] Koduck left the game.
02:12:49 == Yagira [] has quit
02:21:31 == Yagira [] has joined
02:21:32 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> huh,wonder which one that is nowadays
02:21:50 Spock [lobby] NoIDeaWa joined the game(('from Japan')).
02:21:51 Spock [lobby] NoIDeaWa joined the server.
02:22:04 Spock [alpha] NoIDeaWa joined the server.
02:22:07 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Japan o_o
02:22:12 Spock [alpha] <NoIDeaWa> japan>boland
02:22:13 Spock [alpha] <Llyrana> Woah.
02:22:15 Spock [alpha] <NoIDeaWa> XD
02:22:16 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Konnichwa ^-^
02:22:17 Spock [alpha] <ZenYinEden> o_o
02:22:22 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> that's a proxy
02:22:28 Spock [alpha] <NoIDeaWa> sure it is
02:22:30 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Dang :3
02:23:05 Spock [alpha] <NoIDeaWa> tried to login from germany
02:23:10 Spock [alpha] <NoIDeaWa> but it seems banned XD
02:23:16 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> o_o?
02:23:43 Spock [alpha] <NoIDeaWa> **the german proxy i tried seems to be banned here**
02:24:48 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> **hope that ain't yag**
02:26:04 Spock [alpha] <NoIDeaWa> can someone give me cooked steak
02:26:28 Spock [alpha] <Llyrana> LOL wow are you,
02:26:30 Spock [alpha] <Llyrana> POOR?
02:26:40 Spock [alpha] <NoIDeaWa> yes
02:26:49 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> first time here, no-have
02:27:03 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> pants still around to hand out mules?
02:27:13 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> yea
02:27:24 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> you are very lucky I just randomly read that tho
02:27:25 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> there you go, a customer
02:27:28 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> is someone in need of mulage?
02:27:37 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i would have whispered next
02:27:48 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> noideawa would you like to have a starter package?
02:27:58 Spock [alpha] <NoIDeaWa> sure
02:28:01 Spock [alpha] <NoIDeaWa> whats that
02:29:57 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> noideawa you near the spawn?
02:30:03 Spock [alpha] <NoIDeaWa> yes
02:30:09 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> be there in a minute
02:31:11 Spock [alpha] <NoIDeaWa> hello
02:31:14 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> heya
02:31:20 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> this is your starter package mule
02:31:26 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> check its inventory
02:31:43 Spock [alpha] <NoIDeaWa> thanks
02:31:48 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> read the guide
02:32:31 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> if you have any further questions, just ask :3

* while connecting new line to spawn hub, NoIDeaWa was observed at the Ender chest of track #5 (which leads to Midgard):
02:46:54 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> I want slime blocks
02:47:01 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Corr: what even more? xD
02:47:06 Spock [alpha] <NoIDeaWa> come to spawn
02:47:10 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> THERE IS NEVER ENOUGH
02:47:37 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> thanks
02:47:44 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> where how did you get these D:
02:47:53 Spock [alpha] <NoIDeaWa> **its a secret**
02:47:58 Spock [alpha] <NoIDeaWa> cant tell you
02:48:02 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> ok((see whispers in screenshots which led to hurriedly checking home, finding the 'new' guy hitting a yev in a cart))
02:57:13 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> **yes it's yagira**
02:57:19 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> **he's kiling my yevs**((in desperation, he was hit by Jinx at once, then shot, see screens))
02:57:40 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> o_O
02:57:51 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> omg he came back?
02:57:58 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> coming
02:58:11 Yagira thats not me
02:58:13 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> hacked himself to ban evade
02:58:17 Yagira **thats my minion**
02:58:27 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> he went straight here knew exactly how too
02:58:42 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> is my mule good?
02:58:50 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> apparently Yag now went COMPLETE RETARD
02:58:53 Yagira no it lags
02:59:15 Yagira yea he is retarded
02:59:26 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> >speaking of himself in 3rd person
02:59:29 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i dunno about mule, none here
03:00:00 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> but loads of stuff in dc
03:00:07 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i'll leave it in
03:00:17 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> though it's kinda blocking my door
03:00:27 == Enton [] has left (Enton)
03:00:27 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> don't steal stuff now
03:00:37 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i made screenshot of it too
03:00:54 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> what now?
03:00:56 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> how many Yevs did he gill?
03:01:02 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> should i call a mod again
03:01:12 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> or put that chest elsewhere?
03:01:33 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> that account will be indefinitely banned anyways
03:01:41 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> so throw all the garbage away
03:01:45 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i got distracted by hacking yagira
03:01:46 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> ban evasion = hahahalolwut
03:02:42 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> let me check something
03:02:54 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> I think I know why he has so many steaks...
03:03:15 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i'd leave it for yag to get at some point, it's his anyways
03:03:18 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> there were a bunch of steaks in the free chests at spawn
03:03:22 Spock [alpha] <CorruptedPants> plus in the mule
03:03:33 Yagira nothing mine in there
03:04:01 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> he still got two more here ;_;
03:04:27 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> btw report that NoIdeaWa to a mod
03:04:37 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> so Yag can get a longer ban for ban evasion
03:04:48 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i'll add this to the log and screenshots too
03:04:52 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> yep
03:05:15 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> if anything asks, I am witness, too
03:05:18 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> anyone*
03:05:32 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> thanks
03:06:42 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> aw man, he even killed FOUR yevs this time!
03:06:52 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i should checked here sooner
03:07:05 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> themoment i saw him at the ender chest on the spawn hub
03:07:33 tomo jinx, did yag grieb?
03:07:39 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> tomo yes
03:07:42 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> killed yevs
03:07:46 Yagira i didnt
03:08:00 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i know you don't care, tomo
03:08:09 tomo whos yevs
03:08:17 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> my people
03:08:53 tomo if you have proof you could ask a mod, dunno if glitchy is on atm
03:08:54 Spock [lobby] GlitchyBat joined the game.
03:08:55 Spock [lobby] GlitchyBat joined the server.
03:08:59 tomo there he is
03:09:02 Spock [alpha] GlitchyBat joined the server.
03:09:13 Spock [alpha] <GlitchyBat> I've got a headache and am about to shower so what's the quickie
03:09:22 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> proof like he went staright from spawn to my island, from the station to the home
03:09:38 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> and hit them in front of my eyes still when i came to check?
03:09:45 tomo glitchy tp to jinx, jinx said yag killed his yevs
03:10:06 Spock [alpha] <GlitchyBat> What's the exact name? Just yag?
03:10:17 tomo Yagira
03:10:23 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Yagira he is already banned, but needs a longer one, PLUS his ban evasion account
03:10:25 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> glitchy, enton did me the favor to ban yagira until tmorrow evening cause he didn't
03:10:47 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> wanna leave my island after his hacking episode went unpunished by rosen
03:10:51 tomo oh so he was ban evading?
03:10:56 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> yes
03:11:05 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> and gilled even more of Jinx' yevs
03:11:08 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> so yag hacked some more, ban-evaded and logged on as this guy here((GlitchyBat is shown the death chest of NoIDeaWa))
03:11:14 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i defended my yevs
03:11:15 Spock [alpha] <GlitchyBat> "hacked"
03:11:18 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> yes
03:11:35 tomo he probably just changed his ip and acc name
03:11:47 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> yes he abused a technical glitch to get access to her chests
03:12:19 Spock [alpha] <GlitchyBat> **__Alternative nicks of Yagira: NoIDeaWa | Bambuel | Unbaned_Yagira (lolwut) | Yagira | Virus__**
03:12:22 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> [[]] see here for details later; i'm gonna add this incident too
03:12:42 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> "Virus" lol xD
03:12:45 tomo wow yag, you've been a bad boi today
03:12:56 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> yep he went full retard :/
03:13:35 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> guys . . . with all this drama, i'm gonna postpone the paper a day
03:13:48 tomo zen, sabes adonde quires poner el netherportal?
03:13:50 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> don't ask before the end of tuesday
03:13:54 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> thats okay Jinx
03:14:29 Spock [alpha] NoIDeaWa left the game((killed with //The Power of Christmas//, then banned by GlitchyBat)).
03:15:15 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i like that weapon. i wish it could give me warmer feels right now
03:15:37 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> chuck, since you're here. what should i do with this death chest?
03:16:18 Spock [alpha] <GlitchyBat> Who even is this Yagulo guy
03:16:25 tomo Mine is called the anal cavity
03:16:27 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> yagira
03:16:35 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> is actually . ...
03:16:41 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> huh that's hard to explain
03:16:46 tomo hes been coming here for sometime
03:16:52 Spock [alpha] <GlitchyBat> He's not very good at proxying..
03:16:53 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i never considered him such a threat before
03:16:53 tomo usually he never griebs
03:16:55 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Glitchy: Yagira is a pole, he was cought stealing ~1200 clay some time ago from a "unlocked chest" a
03:17:02 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> mostly just a nuisance
03:17:04 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> and today stole stuff from "an unlocked chest" again
03:17:13 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> yes, more of a nuisance really :/
03:17:23 tomo oh so hes polish?
03:17:29 tomo thought he was ukranian all this time
03:17:32 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> yes from Poznan
03:17:44 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> I was friends with him on Steam and Skype until today
03:18:04 tomo poles start war, poles fuel war
03:18:33 Spock [alpha] <Llyrana> Neber drust a bole!!! xDDdd
03:18:39 Spock [alpha] <GlitchyBat> What did he do this time exactly?
03:19:33 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> please read the link,glitchy
03:19:45 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> for 'exactly'
03:19:57 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> as that would take quite long ... a third time
03:20:08 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> and about the death chest?
03:20:40 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> Glitchy: tl;dr: he abused a glitch in the game to take items from a locked chest
03:20:43 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> and when he got caught he claimed to "show and prove something only"
03:20:52 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> also, he gilled a couple of Jinx' Yevs
03:21:08 Spock [alpha] <GlitchyBat> Jinx can you go to where you saw him dipping into chests?
03:21:24 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> that was as yagira
03:21:36 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> log even still shows he took items from it
03:21:37 Spock [alpha] <GlitchyBat> They're all the same person anyways
03:21:42 Spock [alpha] <GlitchyBat> Where physically did you see him taking it
03:21:45 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i re-locked them properly after koduck banned him to give me some breathing room
03:22:31 Spock [alpha] CorruptedPants left the game.
03:23:34 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> rosen made himgive the stuff back
03:23:45 Spock [alpha] <GlitchyBat> So all that stuff is dealt with I'm guessing
03:24:14 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> yeah just his coming back to kill my people is disturbing
03:24:31 Spock [alpha] <GlitchyBat> I'll bring this up to Alpha
03:24:37 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> thanks
03:25:34 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> man. he made me kill
03:25:49 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> it's my very first pvp kill too. so wasted
03:26:09 Spock [alpha] <Llyrana> Wow
03:26:10 Spock [alpha] <Tsaryu> :(
03:26:19 Spock [alpha] <Llyrana> were you saving it for someone specialy hated?
03:26:27 Spock [alpha] <Llyrana> What a shame.
03:26:31 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i wanted to keep clean altogether
03:26:46 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> or do it in a proper combat, like a duel or even sparring
03:26:59 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> you know, something agreed upon? not self-defense
03:27:10 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> or rather, yev-defense
03:27:19 Spock [alpha] <Llyrana> Kek.
03:32:17 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> glitchy, and the DC?
03:33:39 Spock [alpha] <GlitchyBat> What was that alt name again
03:33:53 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> NoIdeaWa
03:34:02 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> NoIDeaWa
03:34:11 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i suppose case is important
03:34:55 Spock [alpha] <GlitchyBat> I see
03:35:04 Spock [alpha] <GlitchyBat> He got all that stuff from the free shit chests at spawn
03:35:09 Spock [alpha] <GlitchyBat> I guess you can do whatever with it then
03:36:48 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> okay, thanks
03:37:42 Spock [alpha] <Jinxauthor_Mel> i'll just put it pack in that chest then
  • people/yagira.1449486255.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:01
  • (external edit)