Government of the Merchant Republic of West Rhodes

Parliament of West RhodesParlamento de Rodas del Oeste
Κοινοβουλίου της Δυτικής Ρόδου

The Lords Ensign
Upper House: House of Lords
Lower House: House of Commons
President Pro Tempore: Vacant/Inactive
Prime Minister: Unelected thanks to Uxbridge's uselessness
Lords do not appoint a leader for their house and are the de facto leaders of West Rhodes.
Members: ?
Political Groups:
?: None
?: None
Meeting Place
West Rhodes Parliament Building
West Valhalla City
Prv. Valhalla of Providence

The Merchant Republic of West Rhodes is ruled by the West Rhodes Parliament (Spanish: Parlamento de Rodas del Oeste Greek: Κοινοβουλίου της Δυτικής Ρόδου [Koinovoulíou ti̱s Dytikí̱s Ródou]), which is comprised by two houses: The upper house, the House of Lords and the lower house, the House of Commons. Lords (caBastard, OttovonBistarck and Lord_Uxbridge being the first 3 founders) are appointed for life while the members of the House of Commons, called MPs (members of Parliament), are elected periodically. The leader of the Commons is the Prime Minister, which is a MP elected by his/her fellow MPs; the Prime Minister leads the House of Commons and helps crafting policies for the Parliament.

Each Lord also has the right to claim a fief. In this fief the Lord is the ultimate authority and he may create any laws he chooses so long as they do not directly contravene existing national laws.


House of Lords

The Lords of West Rhodes are the Head of Government. They're in charge of managment of the West Rhodes territories and dependencies. They are appointed for life by Uxbridge, OttoVonBistarck and caBastard. A Lord can only be sent off of their duties as Lords under extreme circumstances. The Lords of West Rhodes are:

  • caBastard Lord Spokesman of the House of Lords
  • OttoVonBistarck Lord Grand Architect of West Rhodes
  • Junipero Lord of Public Relations
  • TheDookie Lord of the Dependencies
  • Koentinius Lord Field Marshall of the Land Army
  • Killer Chris Lord Director of Foreign Policy

*catbuskris was a Lord of West Rhodes until 18th of November when he was accused of griefing and he permabanned himself, alleged because of his drinking problems. His seat was replaced by Koentinius due his outstanding actions among Rhodesians as President Pro Tempore.


Elections for the House of Commons occur periodically. The MPs are elected by the people of West Rhodes which are divided into constituencies; the current active constituencies are: East Valhalla, West Valhalla and Valhalla of Providence, Vikingstadt for Evergreen, Reddock for the Windward Isled and Uganda for the Territory of Uganda.
Elections for the House of Commons can also occur if:

  • The Prime Minister requests to dissolve the incumbent Parliament (must be approved by the upper house)
  • The House of Lords votes to dissolve the incumbent Parliament.
  • The Parliament votes to hold new elections.

Seats in Parliament

No elections yet.

Prime Minister

The Prime Minister is a MP elected by his fellows MPs. There is no appointoed period for the term of the Prime Minister. He/She will hold his/her positions as long as the Commons allow him/her to. A new election for a Prime Minister can only occur if:

  • The Commons call for a new election of the Prime Ministers must be approved by the upper house)
  • The House of Lords puts an end to his term.
  • The Prime Minister resigns.

President Pro Tempore

The President Pro Tempore is appointed by the House of Lords in case of an emergency caused by a political crisis provoked due the physical absence of the Lords. The President Pro Tempore, like the name points out is a temporary position, but it is given the Supreme Powers of West Rhodes, thus being the highest authority during the absence of the Lords. The President Pro Tempore is asigned with the following powers:

  • Leader and Protector of the Merchant Republic of West Rhodes, its Territories and Overseas Dependencies and of all the Rhodesian people.
  • Commander in Chief of the West Rhodes' Land Army.
  • Chief Admiral of the West Rhodes' Navy.
  • Supreme Power to appoint and object constructions in all of West Rhodes except its dependencies.
  • Head of West Rhodes' foregin relations.

Besides being asigned with the supreme leadership of West Rhodes, the President Pro Tempore is not allowed to:

  • Give up any territory of West Rhodes to a foreign sovereign State.
  • Subscribe any treaty with another State entity that would directly affect the already stablished relations of West Rhodes with the International Community.
  • Desintegrate the Parliament, the House of Lords, the House of Common and the office of the Prime Minister.
  • Desintegrate any other West Rhodes governement institution.
  • Create or pass any law without the due process appointed to House of Commons.

While the President Pro Tempore holds the Supreme Authority of West Rhodes as the Head of Governement, the duties of the Prime Minister as Head of State are not suspended and the House of Commons remains completely functional.

List of Appointed Presidents Pro Tempore

Incumbent: Position inactive.
Koentinius: Appointed the 29th of October, regime ended 18th November, 2011 by Lord caBastard. Reason: Political Crisis of Enlightenment Island.

Approval and Implementation of Laws

The procedure for enacting a law is as follows:
MPs and Lords craft a law, the House of Commons votes on it, if it passes it goes on to the House of Lords, if it fails the Prime Minister may call a revote, when the House of Lords recieves the bill they vote on it, if it is approved it becomes a law. Alternatively the House of Lords may over ride the House of Commons on matters deemed to be of great importance to the nation, if it does so it may craft and pass it's own legislation without the approval of the House of Commons; however, if possible the Prime Minister should help craft the legislation.

Appealing Laws

If a law is considered unconstitutional it may be brought before the House of Lords for analysis. The Lords may choose to edit, discard, or up hold the law based on the arguments put before them before by those challenging the law.


As a representative democroacy, it is crucial for West Rhodes to have a group of political parties to support the system in their struggle of power in the most civilized way possible. The current and major parties are:

  • nations/merchant_republic_of_west_rhodes/government.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)