
In the early Spring of 2012 it was decided by a reactionary faction in the former Grand City of Minis Aleph that the land of Oceania had grown too decadent in comparison to the Great Migrations of the past. The native homeland of old was violent and conflict driven. That which came after was robbed of its potential by a false God. And in Oceania, home to the Battkhorti tribe now for the majority of its existence, the people were growing tired of their monotonous lives. This faction planned a shakeup.

It was decided that men from other lands, lands so distant that their names were lost in the journey, so ancient that the walls of Kurwa Town seem new in comparison, were to be invited into the realm of Oceania. With them they brought their strange obsessions and rituals, similar enough to the Battkhorti way but foreign enough to warrant a new identity.

A single shining symbol was selected to represent this fusion of cultures. The Battkhorti and their new friends, whose old name is lost to history, united under the blue and yellow banner of a new tribe: The Katar.

While Battkhortostan had been a force to be reckoned with in the previous realms, it had no land of its own in Oceania. The tribe had been focused on obtaining resources, and instead took advantage of various hosts who offered their lands to borrow. This lack of a homeland and resource hoarding had a profound result on the future wars waged by the Katar, for the nearly-unlimited diamonds and iron gathered by the Battkhorti in the early days of Oceania meant that not one Katar soldier went without armour or weapons.

It was decided by the earliest form of the Katar state, the chiefdom of Katarbad, that the one called Kovio was to be Khan. A Khan, by definition, must own land in which to impose his will, so the Katars occupied a desert bordering a small city called Tora. Tora was clearly oriental in inspiration, and the Katars had adopted a Turanic mentality. A pan-eastern ideology was developed by the Katars, who offered alliance to the other Eastern-inspired lands. The Greater Pan-Asian Meritocracy (GAM) and the State of Tora. Surprisingly enough, both said no.

Weeaboo Wars

The motto adopted by the Chiefdom of Katarbad was “You gibe or we take”; and take they did. After establishing a yurt village on the outskirts of Tora, the Katars invaded the city en masse, killing animals, salting the earth, burning crops and breaking all torches, shrouding Tora in a permanent darkness. The Torans were clearly not pleased. Katarbad annexed the city of Tora, and on that day Kovio Khan declared the Katten Khanate, and claimed sovereignty over the entire realm of Oceania.

Oddly enough, international law frowned upon the aggressive annexation of an independent city, so swift justice was brought upon the Katars. They were banished from Tora by the Order of the Staff and were forced to retreat to Katarbad. Kovio Khan was not discouraged however, and within hours raids on Tora continued.

At this stage in time things were looking grim for the Katten Khanate. Tora and the GAM, once sworn enemies, united against the new Khanate, and the Empress of the GAM began sending emissaries to insult the Katar people. Using your words instead of weapons was considered an affront to both the Battkhorti and the tribes who came before, so the Katar marched to the GAM region of the Tri-Isles. When they got there the city was empty, so they set the Tri-Isles ablaze and marched to the capital of Eien-Kyo.

The first real battle in Katar history began. The Empress of the GAM, Mystia, fired arrows at the invading horde, killing many but not making a dent into the glorious invading force. Eventually, the city walls were scaled, but the Empress poured lava down the walls to impede the Katars' progress. Many more Katars died, but enough climbed over the walls to overwhelm the city. Eien-Kyo had fallen and the Katars were declared victorious. In celebration they killed all the animals and burned the crops.

Later that night, however, the Torans counterattacked. As the Katars returned home victorious, they were ambushed by Toran partisans. After hours of fighting, the nearly-defeated Torans were relieved by GAMian reinforcements. The Katars grew tired of fighting and left, leaving Kovio Khan to fight alone. He looted the corpse of one of the Weeaboos and used their sacred sword to kill the rest for several more hours. Eventually the Order of the Staff interfered and ended the Battle, banishing Kovio and once again declaring the Katten Khanate to be dead.

Of course, just because someone says it's gone doesn't mean it's actually gone. Within days the wall put up by the Torans was destroyed and defaced with symbols of the Katten Khanate and Katars raided Tora once again. This time, however, Tora capitulated. They joined the Katten Khanate willingly as the first of many vassals. The Katten Leadership set its sights, once again, towards the GAM.

Three of the Katars marched towards Eien-Kyo, unarmed. There had been threats launched that any Katar would be executed on sight by the GAMian army. Two of the unarmed Katars ran around the city causing havoc, when the third brandished a blade. He had disobeyed his Khan. This Katar, later identified as Sikandar, would go on to become the Khan and Sultan of Battkhortostan many months later. Blade in hand, he killed the Empress and her honour guard, and destroyed all of their possessions in lava. After this display of military defeat by an army 1/3 their size, the GAM expressed their desire to no longer participate in war.

To celebrate this peace, Greenkitten began gathering thousands of chicken eggs and set them to hatch all over Eien-Kyo. The national animal of the GAM, of course, being the Cock. Upon their simultaneous birth, the citizens of the GAM cheered. The Weeaboo wars had finally ended.

Soviet Wars

Bound by treaty attack the GAM no longer, the Katars became restless. The Khan ordered his people to set up a new yurt village in the desert beside Merriport, a city belonging to the Soviet Republic. This new settlement was called Bannistan, and immediately the Katars set their sights on conquering the entire Soviet Empire.

A small force of two katars invaded Merriport on the morning April 30th, 2012. War had been declared two days earlier with neither side having entered into any actual hostilities. Confused Soviet soldiers headed to the empty Katarbad while the Katars raided Merriport. A single Soviet citizen was left to defend the city while the Katars killed livestock. The Soviets admitted defeat but swore they would get their revenge. A date was set for the next battle, two weeks later on the 15th of May.

Gorask was a large fort in the heart of the Soviet Empire and made for an excellent battle. The Katars, bringing with them mercenaries from Eisenbach, invaded while the Soviets, supported by Badfacia, defended. The most glorious battle in server history actually ended with the first Katar loss in its history. The idea that they were not invincible created a Katar renaissance, setting off a creative spark in the populace of the Khanate.

  • nations/katten_khaganate/history.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
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