Flag (Pictured)
Designation Religious Colony
Demonym Deseret
Status Dead
Abbreviation DST
Leaders Sick_Sector & Mute
Coords x:86 z:638
Boundaries Entire desert biom

Dead Nation Status

It's dead. People built too much and ruined Deserets plans for a desert nation.


According to the Book of Mormon, “Deseret” meant “honeybee” in the language of the Jaredites, a group believed by Mormons to have been led to Deseret during the time of the construction of the Tower of Babel.

This First settlment was granted by Vlad in the first days of the server. It has plans to build and expand into a glorious desert empire.


  • In a large desert
  • Anyone can join, but they must convert. Non-Believers will be attacked on sight. (AKA ask to build)


The Temple will be the center of town.



Deseret will finance the expedition and foundation of the other colonies.

  • history/beta_18/nations/deseret.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)