
Kingdom of Killal0t
Local Languages English
Demonym Killations
Government Tyrannical
Leader Killal0t
Establishment 9-14-2011
Population 0
Abbreviation KOK
National Anthem

The Kingdom Of Killal0t will have it's summary when it has done enough to warrant one.

Killal0t was a man with great ambitions. He was born and joined the community of Hamburg(er) led by SurgeReaper. Killal0t was one of many in the town, but wanted more. He made his house on a hill next to waterfall, and his time began.

Killal0t, though slightly disturbed, was a great community leader. He, with Ezekiel by his side, took the little town by storm. They discovered much diamond and gold while mining and decided to be friends. Killal0t was please, but he also had a secret.

In his spare time, Killal0t would wander and observe the people of Hamburg(er) closely. He kept notes in a secret room next to his bed. He made coffins that he, one day, intended to use. These coffins were burred deep in the confines under his home for safe keeping. This is where his Kingdom came to mind.

On a sunny day out while tending to his and Ezekiel's castle (of doom), Killal0t had the idea of spawning his new empire. No longer would he be oppressed by the limitations presented to him in Hamburg, Killal0t now wanted free reign and control of his own land. Killal0t would forgo the rituals he had learned under the leadership of Surge and go to make his own Kingdom.

With the dawn of a new world resting upon him, the Kingdom of Killal0t would soon arise, and a new order will be met.

founding/time period

9/14/2011 at 2:02 Central Time

major event/time period

KOK will be primarily a Diamond Mining town. We will try and locate to one of those forest biomes so that we have plenty of wood to work with. When the KOK Main Building is set up, we will start to build the settlement around it.

What is the KOK main building? It's kind of like a Mayor's office. It'll be our central building.

After the main building is, well, built, the Diamond Mining Center, or DMC, will be built. It will be the main Diamond mining center of the town. Of course, you can have your personal Diamond Mining shaft, but I encourage you try this one out so that we may have awesome big 1×6 tunnels running underneath the town. Killal0t is open to other suggestions.

As stated before, we will try to find a nice Forest looking biome with those pine tree things. If at all possible, we will try to build near one of those cavern things that already hit bedrock as to make our Diamond Mining task a bit easier.

The Kingdom of Killal0t will specialize in Diamond Mining for the masses.

Nothing as of now

The Kingdom of Killal0t is strictly a Tyrannical Government.

In order to live here, the people of Killal0t will have to give Killal0t himself bread and 6 blocks of Sandstone.

Everyone will respect each other and any sort of violence or destruction of ones property will be banned from the land.

Killa0t - The Founder and Leader

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  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
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