Ida Liit (Historic Page)

The Eastern Union
Ida Liit
Восточный Союз
Capital New Astonia (placement of the Council)
Official Languages English
Demonym Ida Liitlane
Граждане Восточного Союза
Government Federative Corporate State
Leader The Council:
Rushkaball (Chairman)
keresztanya (Dictator of Oymyakon)
Establishment 03/07/11
Population ~22
Abbreviation EU

Ida Liit was formed on 03/07/11 by Keresztanya and RushkaBall, for the purposes of uniting their nations to gain more power and influence. Ida Liit is an union of Oymyakón and Astonia.

On 14-07-2011, the union was broken. The reasons include the Keresztanya doing nothing to benefit either party and recent jewery by him, when he stole rightful Astonian slimeballs from Astonian mob tower and told the co-leader of the Union to fuck off when he asked him to donate a few slimes back to Astonian treasury.

Astonia is located on a coast, and consists of the New Astonia Skyscraper, Reval Fortress/Mansion and Mt. Cozy. Also includes Old Astonia on the West of New Astonia and exclave of CattballsRussian village. Oymyakón is located near the borders of a vast Tundra and is an Autonomous Oblast, ruled by Keresztanya.

Ida Liit is currently neutral regarding diplomacy, but frowns upon older nations imperialism.

Ida Liit is rich with most of the wealth coming from the deep Astonian mines and trade.

State does not interfere in peoples cultural personal lives, nor limits archidectural designs.

  • history/beta_17/nations/defunct/eastern_union.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)