Dwarven Realm of Breshik

Fifth Breshikan Kingdom
Interim Flag∗∗Royal Standard
Capital Karak Sakor
Official Languages English, Dwarven
Demonyn Breshikan, Dwarves
Government Autocratic Empire
Leader High King Shakomatic, Lord-Captian Tocktact
Motto Sic Semper Tyrannis
Establishment June 23rd 2011
Population 17
Abbreviation no common abbreviation

The kingdom comes From a long legacy of failed states much akin to France. The only difference is France is leading Breshik by one. THe Kingdoms have been traditionally resettled by the same group of Dwarves over and over on different servers.

History of the Fifth Kingdom

The Fifth Kingdom was founded on June the Twenty First in the Year of Our Lord Twenty hundred and Eleven. The settlement of Barak Sakor was founded by The Dwarf King(at the time in exile), Tocktack, a dwarf who would come to be one of the nations greatest assets, Matox, A deserter from the Kurwan Navy who would become the Grand Admiral of the Breshikan Navy, and a Battkhorti guide who brought the Dwarf King to sympathize with the plight of Battkhortostan.

Westward Isles Land Dispute

The Breshikans laid claim to some Lakota lands in the great Breshikan desert. In order to avert war and guarantee peace between the two peoples Breshik offered a compromise and a canal project to be underway for the people of the Westward Isles. On June 27th the Breshikan-Westwards Treaty was signed ensuring a peace in our time.

The Lakota War

Unbeknownst to the Breshikans the land they settled upon was apparently claimed by a people who had never been prevalent on the server before. These were the Lakota tribes. Mutestory, the defacto leader of the Lakota, began to wage a guerrilla war with the Breshikans approximately four days after their arrival to this new land. For six hours the Breshikans fought against the Lakota to finish the canal. The Breshikans eventually cornered the Lakota leader in an abandoned Breshikan mining outpost. After the Dwarf known as Jogiff finally dispatched the Lakota leader with a pack of hunting wolves, the Lakota and Breshikans began to bargain. The Breshikans Creates the “Breshikan Provisional reserve for the Lakota People”, and “ceded” land they had no initial claim over to the Lakota tribes. This forced the Lakota to bargain with the nation with actual claim, Kurwa. Eventualy the land was split on a north and south border.

Breshik soon once again declared their expansion into what was now but a beach owned by the tribes. This forced the tribes into another guerrilla war, easily defeating unarmored dwarven workers in raids. Eventually, the dwarves donned armor and made a beach assault on the western coast of krieg island. Though the new Lakota settlement was still in it's infancy, it beat back the dwarves, who's attacking force was twice that of the tribe's. Seeing that the dwarves would only attack in increasing numbers, the lakota entreated Kurwa for help, to enforce their promise of independence. Shakomatic, knowing they could not stand against the entirety of Kurwa, Batt.X, and WI, chose to ignore any queries as to an organized battle. This caused the quick-rigged alliance to immediately assault and slaughter the 5 dwarf standing army at the dwarven capital. Shakomatic continues to ignore that the war ever took place, and diplomatically dodges any questions on the subject.

On July 9th, Shakomatic declared that Breshik had never agreed to war, further solidifying his reputation as a political liar. The war therefore officially ended in Breshik's surrender.

Breshik is located on an island of Danik's Land. Danik is a land of mountains and desert with many isthmus connecting to other islands.

Karak Sakor is located in Western Danik in the center of the Western Danik Valley. To the far west is the Breshikan Canal zone. Eastern Danik has yet to be colonized by anything but territorial claim posts.

Karak Ulgor is a lost settlement. Mady the previous king has forgotten where it was and all the settles left in a catastrophe.

Karak Ferrus is locate in the vast desert north of Karak Sakor. Her king is Aenieas.

The fortress and trading post built at the Breshikan-Westwards canal is known ad Barak Farragut.

Barak Vagar is located in between the Eastern Union and Ijs Island. Mardy is commander of the fort and emissary to IJS. The fort is used as a trading post for both nations


Breshik is an extremely Centralized State with all matters falling under the control of the Dwarf High King, The Lord Captian and his council of Captains. Each Kazad is led by its own King and is rather independent of other Kazul, Although Each Kazul lord (most commonly called King) must answer to the Dwarven High King and his Captains.

The Breshikan Canal Zone lies to the southwest of the Breshikan capital, it s administered by a joint effort of Breshikans and Islanders.

Each dwarf is considered to be a warrior in the Dwarven Royal Guard. Professional dwarf soldiers are known as “Ironbeakers”. The Captain of the Royal guard is Matox.

This means each Dwarf is liable to conscription at any point in time by their local king , the high king, the master at arms(position yet to be filled) or the Lord-Captian.

The government of the Dwarven realm is set up with the sovereign being the Dwarven High King and A council of captains known as the “Rik ta' Rik” is headed by the Lord-Captain of Breshik. This council takes the place of Secretaries and Prime minister.Each Dwarven hold is ran by a hold Lord who will almost allays take the title of King. these kings answer only to the High king and the Lord-Captain.

The full court of the High king is as such:

  • High King Shakomatic, King of Karak Sakor, Emperor of the Dwarven Realm
  • King Ainieas, King of Karak Ferrus
  • Lord-Captain Tocktact, Lord of the Breshikan Captains
  • Captain at Arms Matox, Leader of the Breshikan Imperial guard and Navy
  • Captain-Ambassador Ricky2345, Ambassador To the Northern Confederation and the Eastern Union

It is common that not all of the Court can meet at any one time, so votes and decisions are not made if the High King, and Lord-Captain are not available.

Currently Beshik is in an alliance with the Northern Confederacy and the Eastern Union. Kurwa and the Westwards are considered hostile neighbors. The Lakota Wars have officially ended and Breshik has yet to establish relations.

The economy is rather loosely run and supports the Astonian backed gold currency. Currently The State is attempting to implement a “Breshik for Breshikans” program that is aimed at state run construction and influencing Dwarves and Dwarf-Friends to open businesses in Breshik. The Breshikans have for some time Help to a guild system where businesses existed in somewhat collaboration with each other while still keeping competition present. These guilds are organized by the state and then privatized.

Breshik is in a free trade deal with the Eastern Union.

The Realm of Breshik follows the basic tenets of Dwarven culture from three main lore:Dwarf Fortress, Warhammer Fantasy and the basic Tolkien Dwarf.

It is important to note that the Dwarves practice a rite of passage ritual known as the “Rite of Kal Doreem”. This is a test given to all Dwarfling recruits as a basic initiation procedure. It consists of a new recruit being given a set of coordinates to come to within the Dwarven realm. This test becomes rather hard due o the fact that their are purposefully no teleportation devices to the Dwarven Realm. Each recruit must walk through the untamed wilderness to reach Breshik.


Being that Breshik is a state that heavily revolves around role play a religious factor exists. Dwarve practice a form of ancestor worship in which great heroes are honoured as gods. Among these are Grumgi the lord of War, Pelor, he who captured the Sun, and Ragnos, The Dwarf who became fire.

To note, all players joining Breshik will usually be required or suggested to continue the role play.

  • history/beta_17/nations/defunct/breshik.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
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