1. the plan was in the exploratory phase and not yet started and was always a backup plan should a war with WR fail to remove the central leadership from power
  2. the building based on the AN Building's blueprint was unrelated to said plan and was being built for the government of evergreen
  3. there was no declared war between the west rhodes and coenstad or YugoTexas' pocessions
  4. building a building without permission doesn't equal a battle: page
  5. a single murder in violation of the rules of engagement doesn't equal a battle: page
  6. above all this belongs in the evergreen article
  7. to add baraba and west rhodes are still actively violating a direct order from alpha to return all my materials and personal items from said murder
  8. Slavs slaving slavs

You're annoying. You write annoying autistic stuff. You annoy people on chat. Leave us the fuck alone already.

No matter what you say, Alpha already ruled you guys must return my stuff, effectively declaring this 'battle' illegal

  • battles/balkanization_of_evergreen.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)