Spawn Events at 21-24 Spetember 2015

Chiggun Shoa

Chicken Shoa
le best mod on this server face
Dates 21st September 2015
Location Spawn
Result Church of Elkku wiped out
yeti continued chiggun spawn
Order of the Staff
people with shit computers
The Church of St. Elkku
Leaders and Commanders
3 4
1 3 Banned
A bunch of chigguns
Spawn Liberation
Dates 22st September 2015
Location Mainly Spawn
Result ongoing
Order of the Staff
Church of St.Elkku
Leaders and Commanders
Sidmund I
~4-5 ~10
1, 1 banned 3 Banned
one Horse, Cows, more chickens
24 Hours Later
insert picture
Dates 23-24st September 2015
Location Eastern Commonwealth
Result ongoing
Ares Commonwealth
Leaders and Commanders
Tomoko Austro
1 3
1 0

Venom and Tangaloa went to bydlograd, with a stack of tnt in their inventory. The Breshkian bolice arrived at the scene and killed venom. Because he dindu nuffings, he got his stuff back. When the items got exchanged, a riot broke out (i dont know if the former was related, so i include the venom thing too), killing several residents in the progress.

The Nerd got pissed because Venom and Tangaloa killed him. After a short while, nerd started to join helios and austro in throwing eggs around spawn. Enton arrived after hearing complains of one or two other players and decided to ban all three for one minute. (they got charged for chicken spawning, althrought it was hardly that case, the spawn is laggy anyways and i can comfirm that the fps didnt significant dropped). Later, a few others joined the fun too, and the afromentioned three got banned again.

Day 2

After returning, they spawend chickens just for protest, and got banned for the rest of the night. Yeti continued to spawn chigguns. Suvor42 and Yugotexas cleansed spawn afterwards.

After the ban lifted, the three protagonists decided to build a message, consist out of redstone and coal blocks. Other players visited the site (On the top of Akarinkas Station). Since no forgein blocks were destroyed, and the letters were build in the air.

Henche nothing touched the station itself, but enraged tomokos butt. It cant be considerd as griefing. But writing the whole time in caps like an 10 year old losing in call of duty, he managed to get helios banned. As he later protest against tomoko and enton. Nerd was bannedsome time before, and threaten enton to shut down everything.

Austros viewpoint:
Meanwhile sid and austro bitchslapped eachother like faggots, austros horse got killed during a charge. At the same time tomoko removed austro/helios banner, he didnt even inform those who where left and took the virtual legos for himself.

Pissed because of that, austro assembled six other commonwealth members and killed tomoko. During the operation Sid was idling unarmed in the middle of commonwealth soldiers at spawn and swinged great words about Kriegsteins power #yolo.

Meanwhile, furious, tomoko the self declared king of spawn, cowardly as he is, bombed austros whole castle, and a village. It got rolled back in the next minute, the village a day after.

Austro received a ban for defending his property. Tomoko received one too, mainly for griefing and being a faggot.

Tomokos viewpoint:
Tomoko couldn't care less about Austros cock-play troubles, but since helio with austro's help and materials built on top of akrinkas station without asking Akrinka first, tomoko set out to destroy the greib. One might ask, why didn't they built on top of zoy's or nelsons embassy instead? Austro has an obvious grudge against akrinka because he gave tomoko permission to destroy his nigger statue. So instead of seeking out a free lot or griebing someone elses place, they built a giant fugly ass sign ontop of Akrinkas station. While in the process of removing said fugly sign, austro cowardly shot tomoko in the back with an arrow, just how the jews stabbed germany in the back during ww1. Tomoko, infuriated at the unjust act and the very fact austro was defending griefing, which wouldn't be the first time an austrian claimed he dindu nuffin, put a bounty on austro's head. Austro then brought his group of cronies to spawn to try ambush and massacre tomoko while he was recovering his death chest. Tomoko, knowing such facism couldn't be left alone to spread did what Americans do best, he bombed dresden austro's cities as retaliation for both the griebing and killing. Austro immediately started crying for the mods to come save him, it is said that an eagle shat on his face while he had his mouth open, sobbing, the eagle then landed on akrinkas station and shed a tear.

PPA came online and banned austro for GRIEBING which he still denies, Tomoko accepted his ban with honor. Spawn freedom was restored afterwards.

Spawn Events in March 21, 2016

#BerndsLivesMatter See: March Civil Unrest

  • battles/a_series_of_events_regarding_spawn.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
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