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Kingdom of Waldsica

Waldsica, more formally known as the Unified Danikan Kingdom of Waldsica, is a Danikan country located in the region called Danikania. Waldsica currently borders [Insert PPA's Country Here].

Unified Danikan Kingdom of Waldsica
Motto Pro Fide, Lege et Rege
Capital ???
Official Languages English
Demonyn Waldsican
Establishment 12/8/2013
Government Council Monarchy
Leadership Head of State: King Waldsic
Head of Government:Shakomatic
Population 3+
Currency Waldsician Gald
State Anthem

Established on the 8th of December, in the year of our Lord 2013, the Unified Danikan Kingdom of Waldsic is the successor state to the former Danikan States of Condeura, Breshik, and the Old Empire.

The Kingdom's lands is mostly forested with some grasslands and mountainous terrain.

The country is a Council Monarchy, in which King Waldsic is the head of state. The nation's legislative body is Parliament, which chooses its Prime Minister. The current Prime Minister is Shakomatic.

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  • nations/wsebr.1386562078.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:00
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