This is an old revision of the document!

Oh wow this hasn't been updated in ages. Shamefur dispray. I'll get to it. t. te3


In-build commands


Command Action
/tp <player1> <player2> Teleport <player1> to <player2>
/tp <player> <COORDS> Teleport <player> to <COORDS>



Command Action
/cenlist List all your cenotaphs
/cenfind <index> Gives you a direction from your current location to your cenotaph and sets your compass to point at it
/ceninfo <index> Tells you how much time is left before the specified cenotaph has its protection remove or it breaks
/cenreset Reset compass to point to spawn


Command Action
/cenadmin list List all players who have cenotaphs spawned
/cenadmin list <player> List all cenotaphs belonging to <player>
/cenadmin find <player> <index> Show details on <player>'s cenotaph <index>
/cenadmin remove <player> <index> Destroys <player>'s cenotaph <index> and drops its contents on the ground
/cenadmin info <player> <index> Get infos about a players cenotaph



Command Action
/fly Change fly mode (on or off toggle)
/fly <speed> Change fly speed



Command Action
/ekick <player> Kick a player
/ehistory <player> List all ips of a player
/ealternative <player> or <ip> List all nicknames used by a player/show all players that used this <ip>
/eban <player>[<reason>] [<time>] Ban a player. When time is given ban player for [time] minutes
/eunban <player> Unban a player
/ebaninfo <player> Show informations about a ban
/elistbans List all banned players
/elisttmpbans List all temporary bans
/ebansubnet <prefix/mask> [<reason>] Ban a subnet(e.g. /esubnetban
/eunbansubnet <prefix/mask> Unban a subnet
/elistsubnets List all banned subnets
/ebancountry <countrycode> Ban a country(Countrycodes)
/eunbancountry <countrycode> Unban a country
/elistcountries List all banned countries
/ewhitelist <player> Whitelist a player
/eunwhitelist <player> Remove player from whitelist
/elistwhite List all whitelisted players



Command Action
/home Go “home”
/sethome Set your default home at the current location
/spawn Go to spawn
/home <name> Go to your home named <name>
/sethome <name> Set a home named <name> at the current location
/homedelete <name> Delete home named <name>. If no name is specified, default home is deleted
/homelist <world> Show all homes on world <world>, or current world if no world is given


Command Action
/lb help Ingame help
/lb params List of all params
/lb commands List of all commands
/lb permissions List of all LB related permissions you have
/lb tool Gives the lookup tool (default woodpickaxe)
/lb tool off Disables the lookup tool
/lb tool <params> Binds a new query to the tool
/lb toolblock Gives the block lookup tool (default bedrock)
/lb toolblock off Disables the lookup block
/lb toolblock <params> Binds a new query to the block
/lb savequeue Saves all block changes immediately into database
/lb <params> Shows you the result of a query
/lb tp <number> Teleports you to the location of a block change
/lb tp <params> Teleports you to the location of a block change
/lb rb <params> Rolls back block changes
/lb redo <params> Roll back a rollback
/lb cb Cozyblock, rollsback creeper and ghast damage for all players

Look here for more.


Look here.

  • admin/commands.1435484995.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:00
  • (external edit)