This is an old revision of the document!


In-build commands

Command Action
/list Show online players
/me Say something in third persons
/kill Kill yourself


Command Action
/register <password> Register your nickname
/login <password> Login
/logout Logout
/changepassword <oldPassword> <newPassword> Change your password
/unregister <password> Unregister your nickname

Container protect

Command Action
/cp 1 Make chest public
/cp 2 Make chest private
/cp 3 <nick> [<nick2>] … Make chest accesible for players in list


Command Action
/ma j [<arena>] Join the arena with the specified name. If no name is given join the default arena
/ma l Leave the current arena, or the spectator area.
/ma notready Get a list of all players who aren't ready.
/ma spec [<arena>] Spectate the arena with the specified name. If no name is give spectate the default arena
/ma arenas Get a list of all arenas. Green names are enabled, gray names are disabled.
/ma players [<arena>] Get a list of arena players in the specified arena. If no arena is given get list from default arena

In-build commands

Command Action
/give <player> <id> <amount> Give player items
/tp <player1> <player2> Teleport <player1> to <player2>


Command Action
/ekick <player> Kick a player
/ehistory <player> List all ips of a player
/ealternative <player> or <ip> List all nicknames used by a player/show all players that used this <ip>
/eban <player>[<reason>] [<time>] Ban a player. When time is given ban player for [time] minutes
/eunban <player> Unban a player
/ebaninfo <player> Show informations about a ban
/elistbans List all banned players
/elisttmpbans List all temporary bans
/ebansubnet <prefix/mask> [<reason>] Ban a subnet(e.g. /esubnetban
/eunbansubnet <prefix/mask> Unban a subnet
/elistsubnets List all banned subnets
/ebancountry <countrycode> Ban a country(Countrycodes)
/eunbancountry <countrycode> Unban a country
/elistcountries List all banned countries
/ewhitelist <player> Whitelist a player
/eunwhitelist <player> Remove player from whitelist
/elistwhite List all whitelisted players


Command Action
/lb help Ingame help
/lb params List of all params
/lb commands List of all commands
/lb permissions List of all LB related permissions you have
/lb tool Gives the lookup tool (default woodpickaxe)
/lb tool off Disables the lookup tool
/lb tool <params> Binds a new query to the tool
/lb toolblock Gives the block lookup tool (default bedrock)
/lb toolblock off Disables the lookup block
/lb toolblock <params> Binds a new query to the block
/lb savequeue Saves all block changes immediately into database
/lb <params> Shows you the result of a query
/lb tp <number> Teleports you to the location of a block change
/lb tp <params> Teleports you to the location of a block change
/lb rb <params> Rolls back block changes
/lb redo <params> Roll back a rollback

Look here for more.


Command Action
/ma arena Show currently selected arena, and which arenas are available
/ma setarena <arena> Set the current arena to the arena with the given name
/ma addarena <arena> Create a new arena-node and set the current arena to it
/ma delarena <arena> Delete the arena with the given name.
/ma editarena [<arena>] Toggle edit mode for an arena
/ma protect [<arena>] Toggle protection for an arena
/ma setregion p1 or p2 Set the given region point of the current arena
/ma expandregion <amount> [up/down/out] Expand the current arena's region by blocks
/ma showregion Shows the region of the current arena
/ma setlobbyregion [l1/l2] Set the given lobby region point of the current arena
/ma expandlobbyregion <amount> [up/down/out] Expand the current arena's lobby region.
/ma setwarp [arena/lobby/spectator] Set the given warp point
/ma spawnpoints Get a list of spawnpoints for the currently selected arena
/ma addspawn <spawn> Add a spawnpoint with the given name.
/ma delspawn <spawn> Delete the spawnpoint with the given name
/ma containers Get a list of containers for the currently selected arena
/ma addcontainer <container> Add the container you are currently pointing at
/ma delcontainer <container> Delete the container with the given name
/ma auto-generate <arena> Auto-generate a new arena with the given name
/ma auto-degenerate <arena> Degenerate the arena with the given name

Look here for more


Command Action
/warp <name> Warps to <name>
/warp create <name> Create a new warp at your current location
/warp set <name> Alias for /warp create
/warp pcreate <name> Create a new private warp at your current position
/warp delete <name> Deletes your warp <name>
/warp welcome <name> Change the welcome message for warp <name>
/warp list [page] List all of the warps you have access to
/warp search <query> Searches your warps for a specific query
/warp private <name> Makes your warp <name> private


Command Action
/superpowers Toggle superpowers
/listsp List players using superpowers
/setflyspeed <multiplier> Sets your flying speed to the given multiplier
/spitem <itemname> <amount> <player> Spawns item name
/spwool <dyecolor> <amount> Spawns colored wool
/tfly Toggle flying for you
/thp Toggle infinite hp for you
/tbreak Toggle instant block breaking for you
/tkill Toggle instant killing for you
/tglow Toggle automatic glowstone placement for you


Command Action
/wr rain Makes it rain
/wr thunder Makes it start thundering
/wr lightning Make a lightning bolt strike in a radius of 10 blocks from you.
/wr clear Clears all thunder and rain from the world
/wr stats Gives you stats on the current weather


Command Action
/authme reload Reload the cache & config
/authme register <playername> <password> Register a player
/authme changepassword <playername> <newpassword> Change password of a player
/authme unregister <playername> Unregister a player
/authme purge <days> Delete players that haven't logged in for <days> days


Command Action
/setspawn Set the spawn


Command Action
/lb writelogfile [params] Write the result of a query into a log file to “/plugins/LogBlock/log”
/lb clearlog [params] Deletes the log. Can not be undone
/lb hide Toggles hiding. No actions from a hidden player will be logged!


Command Action
/ma enable Enable MobArena
/ma disable Disable MobArena
/ma enable <arena> Enable the arena with the specified name
/ma disable <arena> Disable the arena with the specified name
/ma force end Forcefully end all arenas
/ma force end <arena> Forcefully end the arena with the specified name
/ma force start <arena> Forcefully start the arena with the specified name
/ma notready <arena> Get a list of all players in the given arena who aren't ready
/ma restore <player> Restore the inventory of the player with the given name
/ma config reload Reload the config-file into memory
  • admin/commands.1317922669.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:00
  • (external edit)