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The Blitz of MongolPart of the Mongol Wars

A lone raiding force charges into Mongol
Dates 5-10-2012 through 9-10-2012
Location Various Mongol Territories, Mongol
Result Griefed settlements, butthurt, Battkhortostan cesseion, emigration of Mongoloid peoples, The War Against Kovio
Imperial Flag Katten Khanate
K.Freistaat Kovanje Vrystaat Satellite of the Katten Khanate
National Standard Breshik
Breshikan High Command Breshikan Army Command, The Chancellor's Guard
Leaders and Commanders

K.Freistaat Kovio
National Standard Juinn
??? 1
Severe loss of agriculture and infrastructure 0

The Blitz of Mongol

The Blitz of Mongol, followed a series of unprovoked raids upon sovereign Holy Breshik territory, the slaughter of political refugees (Yevs), and several assassination on the leader of the Holy Breshik Empire Shakomatic by Mongol affiliated forces lead by Kovio.

The raids took place on late Friday through earlier Saturday, and continued on late Monday into early Tuesday.


The raids started in the Mongol settlement nearest Breshik territory, Vinland, as a test of Mongol responsiveness.

There was none, and the Breshik raiding force reduced the entire countryside to ash, but left the memorial alter of Fly as the only thing untouched.

Other damages were livestock, farms, torches, beds and some broken windows. Additionally, the majority of Vinlandian territory was deforested.

A Yev found just outside Green Kitten's Vinnish vacation home

Perhaps most telling about this raid was that until Breshik made an announcement to the affect of the raid days, nearly one week later, Mongolian government had not realized anything had taken place, leaving some to question the Mongol legistimacy as territorial caretakers.


Mistaking Tora for the main Mongol base Juinn proceeded to grieve them severely: destroying crops, burning all trees, removing all cactus, liberating valuable art, and generally smashing any and all yurts. A respecter of religion, Juinn proceded to erect upon the Holy Mongol Icon the Holiest Palpal hat, as a guesture of faith, so that despite the ugliness of the conflict all participants might find truth and contentment by their religious ways.

Another consequence of the raid is that the Toran Desert Cactus is now endangered.

A gesture of goodwill between nations.


Following the actions carried out previously, moderators of the Staff were called in to revert the damages done to occupied Tora. Apparently, an individual living within the afflicted space was in fact, not Monolian but a migrant worker on visa. Arguably by accepting said visa the migrant worker had accepted the consequnces of living inside of Mongol territory, even temporarily, but Breshik recognized that the Mongols were already exploiting the unfortunate worker and made no objection. Instead, a second campaign was launched that ignored the worker's home and little else.

Pitying the fool who had been conned into endentured servitude, and the general state of occupied Tora, Kiaser Shakomatic proclaimed annexation of the land and erected the Breshikan standard over the settlement.


A final assualt in the Blitz against Mongol took place in Fort Yurt. Previously, the Breshikan force responsible for the raids was going to hold off on further damages, but figurehead of the Mongol Empire, Kovio threatened the life of Breshikan Chancellor Juinn, a matter not taken lightly following the attempted assassinations of the Kiaser.

Trees where burnt, soils poisoined, cactuses toppled, torches stolen and finally the fort was taken by raid. Breshik forces pushed in and smashed anything of value, discovering the glimmering HQ of a prominent Mongolian company along the way, and leaving it to the creepers and skeletons.


Following the first set of raids, many of the territories occupied by Mongol began to question Mongol occupation, as all they got were sticks burn the threat of raids due to Monolian war mongrolling. Though deamed entirely legal by the staff, per server pro-builder policy, all damages were eventually rolled back, and while no physical damage endurred Kovio's frustration has subsequently resulted in threats of retribution which have been yet unfruitful.