RIP FLY 5evar in our hearts

This player is no longer of this world and we will always miss her

Fly, fly little wing
Fly beyond imagining
The softest cloud, the whitest dove
Upon the wind of heaven's love
Past the planets and the stars
Leave this lonely world of ours
Escape the sorrow and the pain
And fly again

She's a gurl! moved onto the next life
Don't hit on her silly boyz~ ^.- no point for this anymore… ;_;

she is chris's gf
Lets just say she gets around.
No she is perfect and pure like laden snow
She's a total nymphomaniac and into all kinds of kinky stuff
Its true, don't lie to yourself!
I just don't even know anymore ;_;

They are having sex :—–DDDDDDD

  • people/fly.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)