there has to be an easier way to keep this page up to date

Alpha's Realm

“Settlements are claimed territories established with a border or limited area of sovereignty usually held only by a small group of people or even just one person. These are much more common than nations, but have no privileges at this time besides a right of eminent domain.” 2015/04/28 20:32

Since settlments are “apolitical” they shouldnt even be on the chart. I think the whole settlment or city state thing is stupid though, everything is political.

Hello PPA, are settlements allowed to post here? Or should settlements have their own chart? From Harcourtien, — Harcourt 2015/04/28 19:08


wildedale is a nation, why aren't we on this list?

You are you double nigger — Sikandar 2011/12/17 03:32

Holy shit, you should have organized it alphabetically when you added new nations, it is going to be a pain int he ass to fix — Sikandar 2011/12/17 05:28

If I'm a council member or something like that, why is Nova Kurwa “furious” at my personal nation? -kyler

someone should really update this — cool dude 2013/02/21 07:07

Updated to reflect the mongols fury. — green kitten 2013/02/21 08:16

This is just meant to be a quick way to express how your nation feels about another.

This list should relations of nations. What Bremen and Auri do on the list? :S — Rosenmann 2013/03/09 08:07

don't you watch the news Rosen? :3 — mazznoff 2013/03/09 11:05

Thanks Koinu, you're my greatest ally. I should use the wiki for hosting images more often. — Ranshiin 2013/03/09 14:00