Maritime Republic of Coenstad

Maritime Republic of CoenstadMaritieme Republiek van Coenstad
Capital Coenstad
Official Languages English
Demonyn Coenstadians
Government Maritime Republic
Stadhouder Creeper
Establishment 22-09-2011
Population ~21
Abbreviation CS

Coenstad is a Republic found by Notaspark, Erebeetaa and Kankersteen on the 22th of September. Named in honor of Jan Pieterzoon Coen. Notorious for his noble deeds which include putting his daughter in her place for making out with a peasant and making removal of natives collaborating with cockroaches, a great man that deserves praise indeed.

On the 27th of September, The Republic of Coenstad was declared an sovereign nation, with a population of aproximately 21 citizens. Currently, Coenstad has over 30 permanent residents and 3 dual citizens.


The plan

Planning began weeks prior to the server's update, as Kankersteen, Ameribernd, Notaspark and Argie saw the potential of a clean start, they started planning out their new nation. It quickly grew to a plan. Lots autism was spilled trying to think of a name, location, flags and cause, this was not easy, as inspiration was taken from any subject there could be for example Anders Breivik. But in the end the four agreed that it should be called Coenstad, a sort of hybrid of trading jews and dutch colonists.

Day one

As word spread that the server had been updated, Notaspark, Erebeetaa and Kankersteen rushed to find their place in the world, a short walk away from the spawn they found an exceptional marsh, resources were gathered and a fort was built, Fort de Hoop. Kankersteen scouted the marshes for a suitable place for the city, he found a long peninsula, surrounded by several smaller islands. And thus the soil was choosen, soil where history shall be writen. Soon other people heard about Coenstad, and offered to join, either attracted by it's dutch influences, or it's coziness, the number of citizens quickly rose to aproximately 14 eager people, the once-empty peninsula was transformed in a cozy town, that showed no signs of ever being a marsh anymore.

The September Events

After a prosperous age for Coenstad of growing wealth the day of 27th September had arrived. A day full of changes starting with the treachery of YugoTexas, a former Coenstader, which decided to no more belong to the cozy town but to secide and declare the Republika Gljiva. Destroying a tree farm in the city was his first menancing action. Rumors say the loneliness living on his own outside of the city has made him crazy.

Just a short time after this discovery infidels have found Coenstad. Kyler bringing the idea of destroying the most holy of holy trees, the tree of life and creation, could be fended off but catbuskris from west_rhodes was ambitious destroying the holy tree bit by bit reasoning the tree should be touched only by him. During the conflict Ijs sided with him, the outcome of this is unknown, though it is known that Coenstader diamonds were lost during the conflict.

During this turmoil a new sign of hope had reached Coenstad. In the middle of the settlement a new gigantic tree had grown from one day to another. It is still unknown what this sign could mean for sure but some say it might be the newborn holy tree of wisdom giving the Coenstaders to know it is time to gather and fend off any evil which might be threatening the nation.

Following the Coenstad rejection of secession, secessionist figurehead YugoTexas personally traveled to Coenstad City to put up a declaration stating:

We joined this union by our own free will, as such we have the god-given right to leave it as freely as we joined it

Following the violation of our rights as free members of this union by the centralist state unlawfully ceeding our land we paid for with our own money reserves without permission from us finalized our resolve to leave the union following years of neclect by the bureacrats in Coenstad as a free indepednent state beholdant to none

Following posting this message, YugoTexas returned to his house, unbeknown to him, he was being followed by a armed group of Coenstadian nationalists apparently on orders from the Republic to force him from the land

Once at his house, YugoTexas put in a call on the phone to the Nova Kurwan State to see about gaining recognition as a seperate entity from Coenstad and given a promise of military assistance, after being declined, he hung up the phone, using this oppotunity, the Nationalist lead by Ameribernd broke into his house and fatally stabbed him in his kitchen while another one of the group broke through a window to assist in the brutal assault, YugoTexas desperatedly crawled for his bed only to have a coenstadian step over him as he was 1 meter away and dump lava on it and executing YugoTexas on his way out of the house

How ever due to the loud commotion the brutal assault created, Gljivians quickly relayed the news of the assassination to all the major powers with the first response being Battkhortostan declaring full sactions on Coenstad.

The sanctions were lifted the day after a solution being given to the sacred grove dispute. Soon, talks started with Yugotexas that ended up in a deal. Yugotexas abandoned any plans for independence but acquired local autonomy. Thus the great crisis ended.

Following the crisis

After the crisis, another long period of prosperity came from Coenstad in which Coenstad grew prestigious, rich and powerful.

It was only natural then that people sought to enter the nation. The first were the owners of the fort Nelson, mcsam and chestnutgrenade. A cozy little castle right outside coenstad, fort Nelson officially joined on Octomber 3rd with its residents becoming full members of the Coenstad republic.

With growing power the number of enemyes grow how the Coenstadt Embassy Crisis showed but Coenstad is giving up and on its way to even greater dimensions.

A new era

To give a clear sign for a new Coenstader era, short before the elections were held, Creeper went out, alone on the great dangerous ocean to reach places which weren't reached before. And he reached those place, the X:10000 and Z:-10000 spot which he claimed in the name of Coenstad. It was no gigantic land claim but a small one to only show Coenstader pioneering deeds.

On Octerber 8th the Republic of Gljiva officially annouced it was changing its name to the Republic of the Sacred Tree (SRB: Republika Svetog Drveta) to better reflect it's image due to the Republic of Gljiva being inherited form the short lived republic founded outside of the Union on Mushroom Island in Battkhort Country before all the Mushrooms were removed.

On 00:00:01, 11th of October, a leader finally emerged from the long and tedious elections. Kankersteen won with a minor victory of 3 votes over the other canidates, with YugoTexas providing the decisive vote.

On the 18th of October Kankersteen grew tired of the enormous amount of shitty politics autism and tarnished reputation of Coenstad and resigned and retired.

The gipsy squatters

The fact that 3/4 of the server population got fucked up and had to wait for 1.9 to play any further didn't hold back from Coenstad. Some population became inactive for the moment, others traveled away to build in other places. Around the 1st November a gipsy gang, dastru, rasmus and some guys with d, had started to plunder the glorious city. At first they stole ~350 bricks, different gold blocks, a gold sword and maybe many more from the Coenstader donation chests which should holdy materials for the building of the harbor. Next they started to squatt the area for the planed Coenstader Achterbahn and build a fugly cobbleblock in there. After confronted with their criminal activities and told what would be the consequences they killed an unarmed Coenstader and made stoling of his belongings. Thanks to the reinforcement of different great nations in this conflict the gipsys decided to move on but not before theyre attempt to destroy Coenstad. So it is known that they have planted everywhere trees and made them with bonemeal grow and maybe even further griefing was done (situation is unknown, it is to check what has happened in detail in evry Coenstader building). The great loss of materials and the desctruction which was brought in these November days has brought a strict no-gipsy-policy to Coenstad.

Dark Times

As little work gets done in the city of Coenstad, and many of its members seem inactive, the Principality of Nelson seems the only beacon of light left. To counter this trend, mcsam has taken the reins of Coenstad, declared himself observing stadhouder, and has started attempting to turn the tide. Several of his achievements include a couple of new citizens, especially in the principality, the blooming of the principality as a cultural center (symbolised by the building of the Cathedral in Nelson), improved relations with many foreign entities, increased settlement in the colonies, and more strongly asserted authority thereof (Symbolised by the building of the Colonial Palace).

The Coenstadian Balkanization

Following Coenstad returning to their past of infirgning upon the Union's memberstates' soverignty when it suits them by post de-facto nullifying the fully legal transfer of the Antillies to the Sacred Grove Republic due to their established history in the Islands, and now the unlawful construction and invasion of the Islands, the Sacred Grove Republic has announced that it refuses to recognize the powers of any Coenstadian official in the Antillies and that it will consider various other actions to ensure they remain free short of secession.

On the 8th day of January it reached point of no return as Svetog Drveta declared their secession and issued a 48 hour deadline to Coenstad to recognize it and its territory of the Antillies or face the fate of Iraq, with the West Rhodes and Nova Kurwa promptly declaring they would military back the breakaway republic against Coenstad


The city of Coenstad is the administrative center, and the cultural craddle of Coenstad. The city was founded here.

This is YugoTexas' private land, it is a fully autonomous part of Coenstad. (Seceded from the Coenstad Union on 1-8-2012)

These islands are located in the colonies of Coenstad, and have been developed by YugoTexas during his exile. (claimed by the Svetog Drveta Republic)

East Rhodes has been settled by mcsam, and has become the administrative center of the Antilles. It has been subject to a treacherous and illegal (and therefore invalid) sale by YugoTexas. The matter was settled by AlphaBernd. (claimed by the Svetog Drveta Republic, transferred the West Rhodes)

Oost Archipel is a county in the Coenstad Antilles, consisting of several small islands. (claimed by the Svetog Drveta Republic)

The Kanker Rocks are a county in the Coenstad Antilles, consisting of several small islands. (claimed by the Svetog Drveta Republic)

The Outer Rocks are a county in the Coenstad Antilles, consisting of several small islands.(claimed by the Svetog Drveta Republic)

The Principality of Nelson is an independent territory in Coenstad, run by an archaic dynasty of princes.

Politics & Foreign Relations

Recently Coenstad had been involved into a friction about the holy trees, the land was purchased from Batt.x by YugoTexas

On the 3rd of October, an embassy in Kurwas was made in hopes of better relations. It ended in a chaotic day thanks to Kurwan rebels, which weren't willing to accept Coenstad. Though the Coenstadt Embassy Crisis didn't damage realtions between Kurwa and Coenstad.

As the population of Coenstad dwindled during the months of november and october, and as the centre of geopolitical gravity shifted away from Coenstad, the nation started practising isolationism. Trading still occured, but the Coenstadians attempted to remain out of the political business of others, trying to build their own nation up, and perhaps restoring it's former splendour someday.

Political power within the realm shifted towards Nelson, because the city of Coenstad itself had started to decay. The people of Nelson had always prefered isolationism over interventionism. They had done this before joining the union, they had done this while being a member of it, and now, with political power in their hands, they continued doing so on an international level.


Coenstad is built in a marsh biome and has a large oceanic shoreline, complete with estuaries and vineswamps. Coenstad used to border Batt.x until the great disturbance of the island. After which batt.x sold it's land claims to resurect testy from a permaban and a modest sum of iron blocks (after having originally offered the land for a stack of iron blocks pre-permabanning). Coenstad now controls The Sacred Grove, the server's most holy place. This grove houses/housed the two sentient trees that the majority of the land of alpha worshiped as gods!

Current Project

Town Hall

A proper nation needs a proper place for governance, the town hall exterior is to be constructed from stone bricks (including slabs and stairs), glass (including glass panes) and to be decorated with multiple flags.


Requesting blueprints for extra ordnung!

Status: Planning


As the server is still new, no major structures have been created. The notable exception being Fort De Hoop, a large wooden fort that serves as a temporary home for all the nation's newfriends as well as a stop for those travelers on foreign nations. It is considered very ugly.

Around the fort is located coenstad, occupying most of the small islands.

State prison

In order to punish and detain the rotten apples of society that try to cause harm to the peaceful citizens of Coenstad, a state prison was erected. It didn't take long for the first criminal to be apprehended. A vicious zombie, better known in the underworld under the pseudo “Sadface”, was caught red handed by loyal citizen “Creeper” snooping around Coenstad. Sadface was put directly in the state prison without a trial, making a clear statement to the world that mischief will not be tolerated. He will serve a life sentence.

Planned structures

  1. A proper temple for the worship of the holy trees. Also, a garden to protect the holy tree from sacrilage
  2. A ship for some sorts (preferably a man O' war)
  3. Walls/ defensive structures
  4. a spleef arena where tournaments from all the world will be organized (with a fee, we gotta make jewgold after all)
  5. A town hall so proper governance can be done.
  6. windmills!


All the citizens of Coenstad, by law, are the followers of the two holy trees.

The first is the tree of wisdom. It was found not touching the ground, floating because of its wives like wisdom flows through us.

The second tree, and the holiest of the two, is the tree of life and creation. It is located up a extremely steef mountain and it is one of the highest placed objects on the area. Its wives touch the ground, almost 100 blocks down. The holy book of the Treestians dictate that this tree is actually a sleeping goddess which created all life on the universe in colaboration with Alphabernd.

Mutilating, cutting down or even changing the trees without strict authorization from the Stadholder or the religious leader of Coenstad will result in a death penalty, exile from the town (including burning down of your house) and general butthurt of the Coenstad population -

Zoning Regulations

As of 23/9/2011, Ameribernd is the zoning commissioner.

  1. LARGE CHANGES TO STATE LANDSCAPE MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ZONING COMMISSIONER. The bullshit with the giant mushrooms was and is unacceptable. Replanting trees does not count as a large change. Planting a forest does. Use judgement here.
  2. Buildings larger than 16×16 must be approved by the zoning commissioner, or the Stadhouder.
  3. Use varied materials in house construction. No cobble cubes.
  4. On this note, try to limit the use of cobble. Smoothestone is a better looking and cheap replacement.
  5. “Creative” houses are fine. Gypsy hovels and ukrainian_architecture are not. Things that might be considered creative include incorporation of plants or hard to find or colorful materials. Unacceptable buildings include cobble cubes with lava coming out. Again, use judgement.
  6. Cut down every part of a tree. Don't leave floating treetops.

Coenstad IRC

Since the mixed IRC- and Minecraftchat can be sometimes chaotic a Coenstad channel was registered. You can reach it at: #coencraft at