Commonwealth-Aresean Non-Agression Pact

This agreement goes into effect once both parties have signed it.

- The Commonwealth (nation)
- Aresean Technocratic Republic (nation)


i. The Eastern Commonwealth agrees to not interfere directly in Aresea; the COM agrees not to:

ii. The Aresean Technocratic Republic agrees to not interfere directly in COM affairs; Aresea agrees not to:

iii. The above mentioned Provisions are directed at state officials and are non-applicable to individuals who are not in government and to mercenaries.

iv. Violation of any provision will lead to a fine of 50 diamonds for each provision violated. Both parties agree if a provision is violated; refusal of either party to pay the fine presents a legitimate casus belli for the other.

v. This treaty may be dissolved if the leaders of both the COM and of Aresea agree on it. (note: Aresea has 3 leaders, and so, all 3 must agree to dissolve the treaty.)


P_P_A, Kaiser of the Holy Danikan Commonwealth 2015/10/08 23:20

Technocrat Tomoko Kuroki, Representative of the Technogrammaton Congress of Aresea 2015/10/08 16:25 CT

Aresea's Sphere of Influence: Yellow, Aresean Republics: Red