Table of Contents

Planned Battle Guidelines

Here are a few customary guidelines often agreed upon for planned battles (Nothing is official and multiple standards are encouraged).

Anything Goes

As in the title

No-Preparation siege

1. Every team chooses a color from the spectrum available on wool( Each team provides 1 stack of meat, 4 blocks of wool and Leather Helmets(at least 1 for each player on their side) of their chosen color. The colors of opposing teams should be easily distuingishable for the sake of fair warfare and promoting autism.

2. Everyone starts with fresh inventory - no items besides stuff prepared in step 1.

3. All teams choose a place where they will build their forts. Those places should be at least

4. Teams plant all 4 blocks of wool in their chosen color in their chosen spot. Each block must be visible and accesible without breaking any external blocks at all times. The access must be complete - while teams are free to construct a labirynth, there must be a path for Steve/Zombie sized mob to get to this wool.

5. Both teams get 24 minutes(one full day-night cycle) to prepare for war with only things that they find in the wild and underground(but higher than Y=40). This means that teams are free to use minerals, plants and mobs to prepare tools, weapons, armor and fortifications during that time.

6. After this time, all teams gather by their respective wool blocks.

7. The battle commences. Victory is achieved by a team breaking enemy's wool blocks and putting them down by their own wool blocks.

Hard rules. The team which breaks any of those is deemed as losing:

1. No mining under Y=40.

2. No usage of external help - no items, no enchants, no other players.

3. No covering the Objective Wool Blocks up. ObjectiveWoolBlock(Wool blocks prepared in step 1.) must be accesible without breaking additional blocks

Awesome Snowball Fight

Approved by snow golems :-DDD


Defensive structures will be made of snow and nothing else, if any are made.


Ridable Mobs

No restrictions. Preferably coffee from North Enderian snow.


During Battle


The winner is whoever doesn't get bored or breaks any battle rules first. :-DDD

Ancient Kurwan System

The rules of engagement under Pax Kurwani.


Standardized W.Rhodes.L.A. Battle System

Approved by the West Rhodes Armed Forces.

The Battle
After the Battle

Bremian Code of War v1.1.2

Approved by the legendary BremenBernd.

Updated on 11th of July 2012 to v1.1.

Updated on 11th of July 2012 to v1.1.1.

Updated on 11th of July 2012 to v1.1.2.

Updated on 13th of May 2013 to v1.1.3.

The Build Phase

The build phase lasts 15 minutes and is there to do preparations. For the attackers this usually means the construction of a camp while the defenders are activating traps and getting in position. Everything and anything can be build while this phase lasts. Tools are allowed. During this phase all hostile activities are strictly prohibited! In fact even getting close to the enemy location is prohibited. To ensure this, a line is to be drawn that is not to be crossed during this phase. Violating this rule will get the perpetrator (single player) expelled permanently from the conflict.

Update v1.1: Privatized blocks like furnaces, chests, etc. that are meant to block a players path are illegal.

The Combat Phase

The combat phase is the actual battle. This phase lasts for 60 minutes. If after the combat phase ended no victor has been declared another cycle of Build-Combat-Phase begins.

Potions and Food
Griefing / using Blocks
The Battle

Battkhortostani System

Class system

Bowman: 1/2 iron 1/2 leather armor mix, stone sword, unenchanted bow, 48 arrows, any one misc. equipment set
Healer: 1/2 iron 1/2 leather armor mix, stone sword, any 6 potions from accepted potions list, 4 bread
Mage: 3/4 leather, 1/4 pumpkin armor mix, wooden sword, any 4 potions from tier 1 mage potions list, any 2 potions from tier 2 mage potions list, 2 ender pearls, 4 bread
Man-at-Arms: Full unenchanted iron armor, iron sword, any one misc. equipment set


Each team chooses a loosely defined base of operations (a siege camp versus a city, two opposing forts, etc.) where beds are located.

Each participant will create a chest at the foot of their bed stocked with two sets of their basic equipment (not including the set they will wear and carry).

Battle rules

Any participating mods should be demodded prior to battle.

Attackers should not destroy placed blocks (ie, obstacles created by defenders should be scaled rather than mined through), defenders should not create inaccessible safe zones or obstacles that cannot be overcome with the defender's equipment set.

A minimal amount of “griefing” should be expected. This includes destruction of torches and animals, placement of blocks and water from buckets, trenches dug into the soil layer, and similar actions.

The battle rages until one team forfeits. PLAYERS MAY NOT CRAFT ADDITIONAL WEAPONS OR ARMOR DURING BATTLE. If a player has died three times losing each set, they may only battle naked or with equipment picked from the battlefield.


Cleric Potion List

Splash Potion of Healing I
Splash Potion of Regeneration I (unextended)
Splash Potion of Swiftness I (unextended)
Splash Potion of Strength I (unextended)

Mage Potion List

Tier 1:

Splash Potion of Poison (unextended) Splash Potion of Slowing (unextended) Splash Potion of Weakness (unextended

Tier 2:

Splash Potion of Harming II Splash Potion of Poison II

Misc. Equipment Sets

Set 1: 8 bread, iron shovel, 16 sand
Set 2: 8 bread, 24 ladders, 32 torches
Set 3: 8 bread, bucket of water, 4 levers


ebin raid :———–DDDDDD

Suggestions after Siege of Ft. Gorask

Healers + clerics = 3/4 leather 1/4 iron armor rather than 1/2 leather 1/2 iron
Defenders take only 2 sets of equipment to battle, offense 4 sets
Something additional for offenders (as defenders have mechanism/preparation advantages)
Participating mods demodded before battle ACCEPTED
Additional potions for cleric, with two tier system
Mage class ACCEPTED
TNT for offense in a siege situation (contingent on TNT enabled to allow walls to be blown up and entered through)

Voelhaven Agreement Battle System


A War is to consist of one or multiple Campaigns. Each Campaign must have a stated goal, such as the capture of a city, province, or title. A Campaign is to consist of a series of Battles, at the end of which the attacking party attains its goal, or it is beaten back and the initiative passes to the defending party.


Course of a Campaign

At the start of each Campaign, each party of the War must be designated Attacker or Defender of the Campaign goal. The Defender holds possession of the whole Region at the beginning of a campaign, and it is the Attacker's goal to wrest it from them in a series of Battles.

A region can consist of the following parts:

At minimum, a region can consist of only an unfortified settlement. At most, a region can consist of a hinterland and a multitude of settlements, each with a citadel.

Before a region is conquered, each settlement (and its citadel) within must have been conquered by the Attacker in a Battle. If the Defender emerges victorious from a Battle, they gain the initiative and may reconquer lost territory, or launch a counter-offensive to invade the Attacker's homeland (thus reversing the roles).


Raids may only be conducted in the hinterland. Raiding the settlements held by another party of the war without having conquered it first is prohibited. If a settlement has been conquered but the citadel still holds out, either party may engage in sporadic combat within the settlement. If a settlement and its citadel have been conquered, the conqueror is free to kill any locals until expelled or peace is made.


The time and date of a Battle can be negotiated by the parties of the war, or unilaterally set by the Attacker, though only two or more days in advance.

During the period before the battle, the Attacker may set up camp before the settlement to be fought over. The camp must be simple and unobstructive (something like yurts for Mongols, tents for Vreshik crusaders, etc.; no massive fortifications) and may me demolished by the owner of the province at the end of the Campaign. If the Defender still holds any fortifications in the hinterland, they may conduct raids on the Attacker from there. Otherwise, neither party may attack the other during this phase. In the meantime, the Defender is to organise within the settlement. They may erect temporary barriers (such as fences or 1-2 block high walls) which may be destroyed during or after the Battle. Both sides must set their beds within the designated battlefield. The Attacker's camp may be as far away as they deem viable, but the Defender must set their bed only within the settlement to be defended, not its citadel. (Or vice-versa once it's the citadel's turn.)

The battle ends when one side no longer has any soldiers on the battlefield for a few minutes. If they keep respawning, their beds must be destroyed first.

If a settlement has a citadel, then after the settlement has been conquered, the Attacker is to be given time to reorganise within the city. The Defender is to be granted safe passage to the citadel, where they may set up new spawn points and prepare for the next round.

If a settlement and its citadel have both been conquered, the Defender must leave and reorganise elsewhere. If the defence at any point is successful, the Attacker will be driven back to their previous base. (E.g. if they had moved into a newly conquered settlement and the citadel's garrison stands its ground, the Attacker has to pull back to their camp outside of the settlement. If they are expelled from there as well, they have to retreat to their nearest held settlement, or their homeland.)


The victor of a campaign may mark their triumph by replacing the loser's flags in the area with their own, and by plundering liberally. If a disputed region was annexed or had to submit to a new liege, the symbols of their reign (such as flags) shall remain untouched even after the end of the war.

The inhabitants of a conquered settlement may pay a ransom to the conqueror for the occupation to be ended. The exact sum may be negotiated, but for the sake of keeping the server's nation alive, it should to be fair and acceptable.

If a region has been conquered, the Defender must retreat to another holding of theirs. If there aren't any, they have lost the war and must submit to the Attacker's demands as announced at the beginning of the campaign.

The conqueror loses the right to kill people in the conquered territories at random as soon as paece is made.


All signatories of the Voelhaven Agreement are bound to its rules when waging war on another.

Mongol battle rules

Everything is allowed, TNT, hacks, everything and anything imaginable. Mods shall not intervene. No one shall be banned. The loser shall be annexed by the Katten Khaganate, if the loser happens to be the Khaganate then they annex themselves.