Oh yeah this'll work out fine — Chris 2012/01/02 04:31

I'd support this if it weren't a federation. Instead more like a series of non-aggression and mutual defence treaties. Like the U.N. — Okabe Rintarou 2012/01/02 07:24

That's exactly what I told him. I'd like this if it were more some sort of NATO instead of some sort of European Union. After he invited he was just going to say it before it told him “You do not EU on me bro!” — caBastard 2012/01/02 07:57

Why do you guys want it to be like NATO? I don't want to create a fucking military organization since all that is is asking for trouble, and you people are just going to claim It'll be used to overthrow leaders of soverign countries like Nato did this year in Libya -yugotexas

→AN explodes
→Call it UAS and expect different results

Vlad, the AN never exploded, it just automaticly became defunct due to Alpha nullifying every political institution that was formed before when we updated to 1.8. -yugotexas

Except the organization's mandate should be to protect sovereignty and to be more of an international court in which to settle disputes and issue binding resolutions. Currently most land disputes and such lead to either drama or war and more drama, it'd be better if we could settle things in a more civilized manner in an international court rather than on the battlefield. — Okabe Rintarou 2012/01/02 19:25


And if you don't want to join the union you are free to fuck off, I didn't create this as a follow up to the fucking A.N. 2.0, this is supposed to be a federal union like the E.U. or the Commonwealth, not some fucking version of the U.N., this is why W.R. and Battkhortostan aren't invited. — YugoTexas 2012/01/02 23:25

Why do you guys want it to be like NATO

Uh? what could possibly make you thing we want it to be like somo sort of Super Federalazided EU? I don't want to put my soverignity in the hand of who-knows-who (more like you-know-who) so my people can fall into some sort of political shitstorm we don't even want to be related to. — caBastard 2012/01/02 19:34

Super-federalized? Last I checked the EU is on the low end of federalization since nothing is forcing memberstates to remain apart of it and all the memberstates are still fully soverign independent nations, if I really wanted to be a twat I would form a U.S. style federal republic, but I digress…

As for the UAS, I mainly envision it as giving political power to settlements that would otherwise be defenseless on the world stage, and to allow them to legally claim land under International law as member states of the UAS. — YugoTexas 2012/01/02 23:16

So… Common Empire 2.0? Okej. Do what you want then. — Okabe Rintarou 2012/01/03 06:52

Well all it can be is Common Empire 2.0 since i'm too afraid of infriging on member state's sovenignty to go after any other goals — YugoTexas 2012/01/03 13:36

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