I would ask that you stop messing with my stuff on the wiki and my settlements. I rarely fuck with people on the wiki, and even more rarely visit other people settlements, let alone grief there. I only ask the same respect. I would hope that we are above using my period of inactivity to cause mishap in my city, its really just rude.

thank you for your time -shako


It's just a joke so there's no need to be butthurted. There wasn't any grief or anything harmful, i only changed flags and some stuff on wiki. Also, i want to be respected too. Deleting this article was as rude as my messing with breshik-related pages. Even if it's just a poor joke i'm keeping the title and claim Tsardom of Breshik to be the only true Breshik. You can't do anything about that :D t. Koinu

I want my 5 flags back, then I will give you an official statement

<autism> <Shakomatic> koinu
<autism> <kiatomaran> withers you mean
<autism> <Rasiak> you silly nab
<autism> <Hinoarashi> That's a waste of skulls.
<autism> <Shakomatic> I am transfering control of fort cumber land to you
<autism> <Rasiak> I would buy it and join it to onionland
<autism> <Hinoarashi> Why.jpg
<autism> <Shakomatic> and thereby establishing the tsardom
<autism> <Rasiak> EXPANDING
<autism> <Shakomatic> congradulations
  • talk/nations/tsardom_of_breshik.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)