Taibei (Oceania)

Official Languages Chinglish
Demonyn Chinamen
Government National Government
Leader Generalissimo DustRemover
Establishment c. 5/2012
Population 14
Abbreviation TB,TBE

Taibei is the one of the newest, fastest growing, and beautifully located cities in the Realm of Alpha.

<mazznoff> meaning Taibei > GAM


The second incarnation of Taibei.

The region around Taibei is lush and vibrant with many peaks and untouched land. Below the view of Formosa Hill lies Taibei city.


The Building Code is a simplistic one(for now): no lava flows, or dirt structures. Additionally all houses must have a sign with a name on them of who built it.

Griefing is, as all across the Realm of Alpha, strictly forbidden and will result in a permanent ban.

The mines under Formosa Hill are rich with minerals.

* DustRemover (President) * Mazznoff * Sage * Rango * Chomsboles * Ming * Putkonsberg * Spars * Lemberg * Noksjava * ABCDLink * BIGDICK * TuPetsoonari * Mike

  • settlements/taibei.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)