Principality of Socier

Fürstentum Socier
Location -1686/5643
Local Languages German
Demonyn Socieran
Leaders CaptNOwen
Establishment 26th March 2015
Motto We Rauser now.
Population 4

Text goes here


After the update to 1.8 and the expansion of the map, CaptNOwen set out to a new location close to P_P_A, looking for a nearby island. He quickly claimed the nearby savanna island and built a small cottage on it. Not much has happened since then, but some people expressed interest in joining.

Floating islands under construction next to the main savanna island in the Prismic Ocean.
The biggest of the floating islands, Arauser (ay-rouser), is planned to have some sort of castle or tower on top while the smaller islands will only contain a few trees or a small house.

Joined Breshik shortly after being founded.

Sometimes starving, but managing quite well. Some lack of diamonds, though.

Ohfishyfishyfish - joined 27th March 2015
June - joined 29th March 2015

Base-jumping into the Prismic Ocean nearly 100 blocks deep. Come join a nice session of sky-diving.


Not much has been built yet due to lack of time besides a few houses and floating islands that don't contain much architecture yet.

Socier during the evening


P_P_A can't spell “soviet”.


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High above the Prismic
Lies Socier, resting
On bydlo heights.
This beloved homeland,
This dear fatherland
Was chosen for us by
God's wise hand.
This beloved homeland,
This dear fatherland
Was chosen for us by
God's wise hand.
Long live Socier,
Blossoming on the Prismic,
Happy and faithful!
Long live the Prince of the Land,
Long live our fatherland,
United by brotherly bonds and free.
Long live the Prince of the Land,
Long live our fatherland,
United by brotherly bonds and free.

If I find out how to, why not?

  • settlements/socier.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)