The Northern Soup Kitchen

StarBats Soup Kitchen for the poor and homeless

Local Languages English
Government Franchise
Establishment 12-21-13
Population 2

It was the middle of the winter and inhabitants of the northern lands were freezing and starving to death. Famine, disease, and poverty struck the North and many Danikians came knocking on Enderican businesses for help. FireSeeker Inudstries contacted its parent company, Standard & Port and another subsidiary, Starbats Company, began construction on a lifesaving project of a soup kitchen and shelter.

S&P CEO Hino stated the project will be a massive tax write-off save countless lives.

The settlement is located near a cozy forest and pristine river.

StarBats is a D.E. based company that seeks to distribute its beverages across Alpha's Realm.

  • GlitchyBat, CEO of StarBats Company
  • Hinoarashi, CEO of Standard & Port Financial Services LLC
  • settlements/northernsoupkitchen.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)