Local Languages English, Denbtsian
Demonyn Debtshikian
Government Merchant Republic
Leader Kiatomaran
Establishment 4-5-13
Population 3
Abbreviation none


Upon being met with the increased resistance of Breshik to repay its debts, Kiatomaran conferred with Mazznoff and came up with one solution - a state must be born in order to execute the debts themselves. Twenty minutes of seaward travel later, an unclaimed continent was found, large enough to host a grand city, and close enough to keep watch on Breshikian affairs.

The Debtshikian continent is covered entirely by sea, with the nearest landmass over a kilometer of sea travel away. This is to ensure that the city is the most important sigt.

The economy of the Merchant Republic is based on 96% trade, 3% poor tourist tears, and 1% chickens minielggus.

Currently, a wide-scale recruitment program of merchants serverwide has been instituted in order to promote settlement, to little effect.

The Merchant Republic operates in a manner known only to the high elders of the Yevish Order.

Kiatomaran, Mazznoff, Zawulon

  • settlements/debtshik.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)