words of kr1sto's gay lover
Kristo the Young
Home City: Reval, Alempois
Language(s): Estonian (Native), English, French
National Affiliation: Alempois
Political Affliation(s): Ally of Kovio's Kovanje Vrystaat
Roles and Titles: Grand Governor of Alempois
Joined: June 2012

kr1sto95 is the glorious leader of the newly formed Republic of Alempois, a former colony of the Kovanje Vrystaat. This player gained fame when against the entire servers wishes continually made himself a wikipage.


kr1sto95 is known for bringing civilization to the wild island of Finbeland. He cleared the land and started a new glorious nation with amazing architecture and with no kebabs or Mongols. Glorious Kristo the Young defeated the savage Finns of New Finngolia in the Battle of Venbezi with the aid of kovio. After this famous battle, the great “Finngol Divider” was built by kr1sto95 to keep out the savages of New Finngolia.

  • people/kr1sto95.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)