
This player is a moderator. You can trust him.

Lord of Rhodes
Koentinius ready to play some Minecraft
Residence Rhodesian Nieuw Walschor
Languages Dutch (native)
Ethnicity Caucasian
Religion Atheist
National Affiliation Merchant Republic of West Rhodes
Kingdom of Nedermark
Minis Aleph
Political Affiliation Rhodesian Confederation
Holdings Wizard University
Titles The Honorable Moderator Koentinius

Lord Field Marshall of the Land Armies of the Merchant Republic of West Rhodes and the Rhodesian Confederation

Sandstone-Mason Chieftain of Reddock

Patron of the Arts of Valhalla

Grand Wizard of the Wizards of the Server

Founder of Wildedale

Watchmaker of the Server in General and the Rhodesian Confederation in particular.
Icons West Rhodes Irmunsul Nedermark Nieuw Walschor Rhodesian Land Army
Joined August, 2011
Order Order of Ian Smith

Koentinius is a laid back player from the Netherlands (not Holland). He was the temporary president of West Rhodes. You should ask him about anything WR related if any of the Lords are not online.

Mostly just wants to build cool stuff. Currently resides in Nieuw Walschor. He hates mining. He built Koentinius theatre in Valhalla, and the Temple of the Holy Feel in Reddock. Built the Wizard University in Oceania.

Suspected to be an Autist irish elf from Norway.

Full Stylized Title
OS OIS HCWR The Honorable Moderator Koentinius Lord Field Marshall of the Land Armies of the Merchant Republic of West Rhodes and the Rhodesian Confederation, Sandstone-Mason Chieftain of Reddock, Patron of the Arts of Valhalla, Grand Wizard of the Wizards of the Server, co-Founder of Wildedale, Watchmaker of the Server in General and the Rhodesian Confederation in particular.
  • people/koentinius.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)