Ender Republic Agency for International Development

Ender Republic Agency for International Development
 Agency Seal
Branch Executive
Establishment 5-17-2015

The Ender Republic Agency for International Development ( ERAID ) is the Republic of Ender agency primarily responsible for administrering civilian foreign aid. ERAID has adopted as its mission statement “to partner to end extreme poverty and to promote resilient, democratic societies while advancing the security and prosperity of the Republic of Ender”. ERAID's programs are authorized by Congress in C.R. 19, the Eastern Commonwealth Relief Act.

Disaster relief

ERAID has acted in times of disaster when the Staff either unavailable or refuses to help.

Some of ERAID's earliest aid programs provided relief in crises in Taushahar when its wood reactor melted down and resulted in its wither core going rogue and attacking the nearby yevish colony which hurt the settlement's economy greatly. The rampage took many yevish lives and destroyed infrastructure and farms. The General of the Military quickly neutralized the wither and repair efforts began on Taushahar; craters were filled, damages were fixed, and the yevish colony was repopulated.

On June 17th, a raid on the server occurred at spawn by a Byntari raiding party of approximately 20 users from 2ch.hk. Though users tried to respond, they were quickly cut down or slain using lava buckets. Their pleas for Staff intervention fell on deaf ears as their death chests were plundered and the Byntari attackers steadily became more heavily armed. An ERAID effort with the Republic of Ender's military quickly responded when contacted by Tomoko, slaying, disarming, and repelling the Byntari raiding party.

Not soon after this exchange, the Byntarians targetted Anon1234's public iron farm. Despite requests for the Staff to repair the damages, the iron farm remained nonfunctional for a week and nobody could figure out exactly why it was no longer functional. The only Staff action was for Enton to sign online and accuse Speaker BearMonger of tampering with it. Another ERAID expedition was launched with Hinoarashi personally climbing into the iron farm's kill mechanism and iron collection point to repair the missing signs suspending lava and cobble spam inside of the farm from the Byntarians. As a result, the iron farm's functions were normalized.

Material assistance

Kriegstein requested and received two double chests of smoothstone to complete construction for their roads and infrastructure from ERAID.

To request civilian foreign aid, the following form is available to submit on the discussion page. In the event of an emergency, contact a member of the Republic of Ender and specify the nature of the request.

Name Nature of assistance requested Reason for assistance
Your in-game handle will go here. The nature of your request will go here. Modes of assistance can range from technical assistance, material assistance, economic growth, humanitarian assistance, food security, to disaster relief. The reason and nature of this request and any other details can go here.

A submitted application for civilian aid should receive a reply either accepting or rejecting the case and a justification provided. In the event of an approved application, you should be contacted by an ERAID representative to discuss details further.

  • nations/ender/eraid.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
  • (external edit)