Grundeswald vs Killer Chris

Grundescorp vs Killer Chris
Date 7 II 2013
Location Al-Iskandariya
Result Killer Chris banned for wasting V1adimirr's time
Grundescorp Killer_Chris
Leaders and Commanders
Greenkitten Killer Chris
3 Chris' house

Grundescorp v. Chris, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), is a landmark decision by the Oceania States Supreme Court on the issue of harassment. Decided simultaneously with a companion case, Grundescorp v. Shakomatic, the Court ruled 7–2 that a right to privacy under the due process clause of the 14.88th Amendment extended to a company's decision to undertake a project, but that right must be balanced against the state's two legitimate interests in regulating these projects: protecting international interests and protecting the company's image. Arguing that these state interests became stronger over the course of a project, the Court resolved this balancing test by tying state regulation of projects to the company's work schedule.


Chris asking Grundeswald to create a rail network to Maleth grew inpatient with the process. After a day of harassment Grundeswald decided that harassment deserved retaliation. A stack of TNT later Chris's house and throne were nothing more than craters.

“No one tells Gruendeswald what to do sign” vadalised by Chris Half damaged houses before the rest of the TNT was detonated

The Verdict

Harassing the The Order of the Staff for compensation and justice. Tangaloa mysteriously disappeared, forcing V1adimirr to come online. After determining that Chris was wasting the staff's time his house was restored and Chris was temporarily banned.

  • battles/grundescorp_vs_chris.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/11/08 04:02
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