<testy> hello
<caBst> Im putting an end to my Provisional Gov't
<testy> okay
<caBst> And you will now become the leader of Kurwa.
<testy> FICK JA
<caBst> But you have to guarantee me something.
<testy> Muchos gracias
<testy> que?
<caBst> You wont be a pawn of me or mazznoff.
<testy> yes
<caBst> You will be completely objective on your decisions.
<testy> i can do that
<caBst> Kurwa will not become a pawn state of Batt.x interest in the Common Empire.
<testy> I will do what is in the best interest of Kurwah
<caBst> Choose a title
<caBst> leader sounds to gaddafi
<caBst> I remember that when Nicaragua used to be called the State of Nicaragua the title was Supreme Director.
<testy> I don't want to be a dictator
<testy> I want democracy
<caBst> I said Director.
<testy> Chancellor
<caBst> Ok
<testy> I shall be chancellor
<testy> it's the proper term
<testy> unelected standing leader of an elected body
<caBst> With this I'm putting an end to the Provisional Government of West Rhodes to Nova Kurwa and declare you, testytigershark as the new Chancellor (Head of the Government and State) of the State of Nova Kurwa.
<testy> thank you
<caBst> Im going to edit the wiki
<testy> I gladly accept this honour