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Lords Council Decision Page

Conversion of Winterlyn into the Dwarven Realm and adoption of Dwarven Culture

This will result in name changes and small structure changes to the realm as a whole. Each Dwarven hold(and ajoining lands) will have a king and the Council of Kings will elect from among them a High King. As of now the two Kingdoms will be Karak Khaldun and Kazad Anubis(known by the Human name Winterlyn) Kingdoms will be named after their Hold. New Kingdoms established by dwarfs will be known as either Karak(meaning enduring/name for a city) or Kazad(meaning fortress).

The realms will act separately or together internationally based on the choice of the Kings counciland new Kingdoms will be made from existing Kingdoms only with permission of the King of Said kingdom. All Dwarfs will come to the aid of other dwarfs in time of War nomatter what. The Dwarven Realm will be considered not a nation But a Empire/Supranational group

The title of Captain and Lieutenant will be used as the new titles for greater and lesser lords since Dwarves are a militaristic society. Shako will be removed from the Lords Council of Kazad Anubis and move to form a lords COuncil for Karak Khaldun.

Also this will see a change in the naming conventions of allot of things. The Dwarven language as outlined here will be used for naming conventions to standardize things:

✔ = Yes / ✘ = No / ⚜ = Abstention

Lords Name Vote Comments
Niller I am sorry, I like the way it is now. I will not interfere with the local poltics of Kharak Kaldun on this matter, however

The Grand Renaming of the Capital

I, King Nils, humbly ask for your guidance in the renaming of the capital, as I don't find it fitting for such a grand and glorious city shall be named Fort Anubis. Therefor I would kindly ask you to come with one name, and then we shall vote for the names. GLORY TO WINTERLYN

Lords Name Vote Comments
Shako Karak Festorung


The Laws of the Empire

✔ = Yes / ✘ = No / ⚜ = Abstention These laws if passed will reorganize parts Winterlyn into several kingdoms(Karak Khaldun and Khornindir) and Establish a Confederate governing body of all three.

Law no. 1

The Holds must at all times keep their sovereignty and decide for themselves what to do about names, administration of their own clay. No matter what, the other Holds can hold any claim of their allies clay, neither can the High King. The High King cannot declare war on other nations unless this was accepted by the Holds. If a Hold finds itself violated by this, they can complain or leave the Empire for ever.

Lords Name Vote Comments
Shako Add:All holds should have the name “Karak _” The lands attached tot his hold and the name of the kingdom itself do not really matter.
Law no. 2

A high king needs to be appointed among the kings to be the leader of the united dwarven realm. The high king must not interfere in the affairs of any hold other than his own. At any time may the kings meet and choose a different high king, the tenure o the high king lasts until he is replaced by another king on the will of all the kings of the realm. The kings who appoint the High King are the respective leaders of their very own Hold, Kingdom, Settlement, Nation or whatever the Hold chooses to call themselves. The decision MUST always be made by the Holds own citizens. Eg. the king of Winterlyn is King Nils I or King niller1703 I, and the dwarven citizens of Karak Khaldun may never object to this decision. The decision of who the High King is, shall be respected by both the kings of each hold and also its citizens. If someone wants a new High King, then another vote must be held.

Lords Name Vote Comments
Shako Please rephrase this, do not understand last two sentences
Law no. 3

The High Kings title is only for appearance, and shall only be used to rule in case of extreme circumstances such as war. This system is taken from the Confederation of Cavernshire, where the title of Confederation Leader didn't mean anything other than prestige.

Lords Name Vote Comments
Law no. 4

The tradition of Grudgebearing is a long and old one. As such No dwarf, no even the high king himself my prevent the airing of greavances and the fufilling of a grudge. BUT if any dwarf wishes to take a grudge out of the realm onto the soil of foreigners, the kings of the realm are not responsible for this Dwarfs actions.

Lords Name Vote Comments

Laws and decisions during the membership of [[nations:com|the Eastern Commonwealth]]

The treaty of Somerset

The war, which the allied forces of Winterlyn, Badfacia and Breshik, is fighting has to come to an end. Therefore, I, King Nils I, suggest that we sign the treaty

Lords Name Vote Comments
Niller To avoid war, the secession of our territory is justified