Breshikan International Agreements

Valuing victory by pen as much as victory by sword, the Breshikian Empire often maintains and seeks out diplomatic solutions for the greater good.

The Eisenbach-Breshik Alliance

Due to the Nature of dictators and evils of the rules lawyers of the realm, we the people of our fair nations decide that it is in our mutual interest to swear oath and protection to one another. Never shall this treaty be spoiled by beaurocrats and tyrants. We swear faith to eachother.

On this day of the Ninteenth of September in the year of our lord Twenty Hundred and Twelve at 1:16 EST the Peoples of Breshik and EisenBach do swear Aleigance and Mutual Defense in War to eachother.


Kiaser Shakomatic Lord of All Breshik

Field Marshal Rebelbaron, Chancelor of All Breshik

See Also

1st Bresho-Kurwan Pact (No longer relevant)