
Local Languages English
Demonym Slave
Government None
Leader Mubutu
Establishment 2011
Members ~11000
Abbreviation Sam

The Samarkand township is under construction as a housing project for the exploited masses that gathered around the construction of the Merchant guild headquarters.


During the construction of the Samarkand pyramid work bosses Flakese & Ghoul were disheartened by the loss of workers to the mob and graciously threw down a couple of torches to ease the workers plight, however being the the ungrateful shits unpaid voulanteers are they made demands for housing to “protect their children from zombies” and other nonsense along those lines. After careful review of the figures by Merchant Guild accountants it was decided to construct a township out of excess materials since it was cheaper than having all the worker zombiefied and having to then fight said zombies.


In Samarkand the yet unamed glass pyramid that will house the Merchant guild head offices is under construction